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20 February 2013, Volume Issue 1
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  • Current Situation and Suggestions of China's Ethnic Minority Areas of Urban and Rural Residents Income Gap
    2013, (1):  1-1. 
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    China's ethnic minority areas of urban and rural residents" income gap was the two characteristics, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Guangxi and Guizhou, the income gap between urban and rural residents in expanding.while the income gap between urban and rural residents in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet wasabsolute income disparities, relative income reduced "characteristics. Natural and geographical factors, historical factors, factors of economic development, institutional factors, and ethnic and cultural factors are the causes of the income of urban and rural residents in China's ethnic minority areas. Based on the findings, we propose suggestions to narrow the gap between the income of urban and rural residents in China's ethnic minority areas.
    Issues on the Facility Agriculture Development in Alxa Left Banner
    2013, (1):  8-8. 
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    Alxa Left Banner facility agriculture, depending on natural resource superiority, have abroad prospects with its steady progress. The assay analyzed development present condition and existing problem in Alxa-Zuoqi and put forward the effective solution.
    The Experiment of Callus Culture of Cassia obtusifolia L.
    2013, (1):  18-18. 
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    A theophrasti Medic. is an annual Inner Mongolian herb with important value in medicine industry and agriculture. The purpose of this research is to induce callus tissue with the stem sections and leaves as explants, thereby lay a foundation for cell culture and rapid propagation. The results of this research contain: the most effective sterilization time for seeds is 8 rain by 0.1% HgCl; the optimized medium for seed germination is sucrose 30 g/L + Agar 5.7 g/L; the best medium for callus induction with stem sections and leaves as explants is MS medium+Agar 7g/L+Sucrose 30 g/L+ NAA 0.8 mg/L+6-BA 3 mg/L.
    Planting Density is Influence of Growth, Quality and Yield of Sweet Sorghum Hybridization Sweet 1
    2013, (1):  20-20. 
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    This paper studies that different planting density is influence of growth, quality and yield of the Hybrid Sorghum " sweet 1 ". The results show that on different planting density, growth and decline of plant tillering number is Obvious in early growth stage, plant height, stem diameter, proportion of stem and leaf, leaf area, photosynthetic pigment content and dry matter accumulation show significant differences in the late; quality, biological yield and sugar content influence by planting density is big, the biological yield increased significantly between treatment ( P〈0.05 ). Comprehensive analysis show that planting density is 116700 strains/h2, spacing is 10cm× 60cm, can better coordinate collective growth between group and individual ,biological yield and nutrient content have reached a higher level.
    Analysis on the Processing Fruit Products in Xinjiang and Conversion of Forest and based on AHP-SWOT Method
    2013, (1):  28-28. 
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    Fruit industry of Sinkiang has entered the new age and stage. The ability of processing and conversion, market development are at a more disadvantaged position compared to base construction and technology skills.Increasing the ability of processing and conversion of fruit is the general trend of development of fruit industry .The chapter makes sure Indicator Project of processing and conversion by means of Experts consultation method, and discusses the factors of process transformation in Sinkiang fruit by AHP-SWOT, and analyses the conclusions.
    Consumption Characteristics of Vegetable Market in Xinjiang and its Potential Prediction
    2013, (1):  32-32. 
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    Research Significance on the problem that the change and characteristics of vegetable market consumption. The research used a combination of statistical analysis, measurement model and other methods to analyse Xinjiang vegetable market consumption change, on that basis, the article studies the characteristics and difference of vegetable consumption between urban and rural residents in Xinjiang. At last, the study forecasts short-term of the Xinjiang vegetable market consumption potential, and obtains the Xinjiang vegetable consumption wide prospect of market.
    Plant Resource in Kiamusze Airport and its Effect on Bird Activity
    2013, (1):  34-34. 
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    The author in the spring of 2011 -2012 year in autumn, the Jiamusi Airport sampling investigation of plant resources, research shows that, the airport has a total of 101 species, belonging to 36 families and 56 genera, including 33 dominant species. The author through the analysis of plant resource distribution, combined with the bird research data, analyzes on the distribution of birds are studied, to make the airport bird strike prevention and provide technical support.
    Preliminary Study on the Methods of Extracting Secoisolariciresinol Diglycoside(SDG) from Flax
    2013, (1):  36-36. 
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    Linum ustitatissimum Linaceae, known as fax, is rich in lignan in its seeds. As a kind of phytoestrogens , lignan plays an important role in anticancer, antitumor and anti-cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is significant in conducting the research of extraction. In this experiment, we studied the extraction of SDG from flaxseeds by using the ethanol refluxing extraction (ERE) and ultrasonic acetidin extraction (AE) methods. Extracts were purified by silica gel column. The results show that: the peaking time of SDG is between 2-6 minutes and the recovery rate is 83.3% by using ERE, the peaking time of SDG is between 2-4 minutes and the extraction is incomplete by using AE. Further research needs to be done on ultrasonic time, water bath time and enrichment temperature.
    Varieties Comparison Test of Dried Red Pepper in Open-field
    2013, (1):  39-39. 
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    This experiment mainly compares plant height, number of results, development degree, fruit number, yield per plant of Lu Hong six, Beijing red, Wando red, Feida two, pickle, the improvement of Beijing red. The experimental results show that: strong growth, low incidence morbidity of varieties, yield is higher; strong weak, high incidence, the yield is lower. Which Beijing red and the improvement of Beijing red is better than other varieties, suitable for planting in Tong Liao areas.
    Varieties Comparison Test of Potato in Arid Areas
    2013, (1):  42-42. 
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    In order to accelerate new breed to update pace, through the 10 potato varieties adaptability, disease resistance, high yield comparison test, the" results show that the Qingshu 9,Zhuangshu 3 and Jizhangshu 8 wing piece of potato high yield, suitable for local planting, Feiwuruita and Zhongshu 3 two varieties yield is lower than the control variety,But by the early characteristics in irrigated land, or in conjunction with facilities shed cultivation, potato harvest after revaccination of other vegetables, which can be used for crop rotation, and can raise the utilization rate of lando
    Different K Ratio Test of Broom Corn Millet in the Arid Area of Southern Ningxia
    2013, (1):  47-47. 
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    The experiment was studied on the effects of different combination of Potassium Fertilizer in Arid Land Broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) of Ningxia southern region, the results indicate that , Potassium Fertilizer affects yield of Broomcorn millet significantly, the consumption per hectare from 0 kg to 30kg ,90kg, 120kg, 150 kg, the yield has great changes, the maximum is 4744.65kg/hm2, the minimum is 3581.85 kg/hm2,fertilizer combination of K2O 60kg/hm2,N 139.2kg/hm2,P2O5 129kg/hm2 has the best effect on yield, increased the yield by 8.9%-24.5% compared with other treatments.
    The Effect of Density and N, P, K Application Rates on Jerusalem Artichoke Yield
    2013, (1):  49-49. 
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    Study on different density and fertilizer application of N,P,K on Helianthus tuberosus. The results show that, the order of the factors which can influence the yield of Helianthus tuberosus is density〉K2O〉N〉 P205. The level result shows that, the combinations of the highest yield are: A1B2C2D2: the density of Helianthus tuberosus is 70cm~50cm, fertilizing amount of N is 3.50kg/666.7m2, fertilizing amount of P is 6.90kg/m2,fertilizing amount of P2O5 is 5.0kg/666.7m2. The experiment provides the scientific basis for collecting the combinations.
    The Effect of Compound Fertilizer Application Rates on Potato Yield and Nutrient Accumulation
    2013, (1):  52-52. 
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    The purpose of the experiment is solving the practical problem of potato planting. We have investigated the potato overground and underground yield of different fertilizer rates, have measured total N, total P and total K of the potato overground and underground on different fertilizer rates, have analyzed the effect of different fertilizer rates on the yield of potato and the characteristics of the accumulation about dry matter and nutrition, have compared the harvest index and the needed fertilizer per 1000kg yield. Result,The fertilizer rate of 937.5kg/hm2 could get the highest yield. It increased 17.8 percent of yield than ck. Its accumulation of dry matter, N and P is also the highest, but the harvest index of N, P and K is smaller than of 750kg/hm2 and 1125kg/hm2. Indicated that the treatment produced more carbonhydrate. More fertilizers could not produced more yield if fertilizing too much. The fertilizer of 750-1125 kg/hm2.
    Semi Arid Gully Areas in Middle Field Correction Experiment of Maize
    2013, (1):  55-55. 
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    Check formula fertilizer accuracy, improve fertilizer, yield increasing effect of formula fertilization by contrast, reduce large area application of risk, improvement of formula fertilization by soil testing parameters, directive farmer economy, environmental protection, scientific fertilization and land to eat meal, provide the basis for field management. 2012 was based on 25% ( 15-10-0 ) and dressing type 25% (18-7-0) fertilizer formula checking, screened in Pengyang County Red Ru River District Facilities Agriculture in semi arid loess region grows ground film corn suitable formula fertilizer type and application rate, nitrogen amount is equal to 45%, and base fertilizer, topdressing 55%.
    A Mountainous Area North of Pengyang County Potato Calibration Test of Formula Fertilizer
    2013, (1):  57-57. 
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    Check 37% ( 22-15-0 ) and 30% ( 10-10-10 ) formula fertilizer accuracy, compared with fertilization increase production effect, improve the fertilizer, selected for a mountainous area north of Pengyang county potato Fertilization Formula Fertilizer Type and application rate.
    Micro-nutrients and Micronutrients Fertilization
    2013, (1):  62-62. 
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    Crops need to trace elements, though small, can be highly specific,and can be a tiny price in exchange for the benefits high.Micronutrients Fertilization is not excessive,it will not only reduce yields,and even cause livestock poisoning and environmental pollution.Therefore,the microelement fertilizers must be based on crop plants and soil analysis,diagnosis,based on scientific and rational determine fertilization variety and quantity, and application methods.
    The Technical Measures of Improving Arongqi Soil Fertility
    2013, (1):  73-73. 
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    To promote the sustainable development of agriculture, we must strengthen the quality of cultivated land's protection and improve the cultivated land's soil fertility then persist in using the landwhile maintaining the combination, make the nutrient input and consumption balance.To promote the application of organic fertilizer, straw utilization technology, formula fertilization by soil testing, high efficiency and water saving agricultural techniques, improved soil, soil fertility, and the quality of cultivated land.
    The Occurrence and Control Techniques of Sunflower Broomrapes in Inner Mongolia
    2013, (1):  75-75. 
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    Sunflower Bloomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr) is a kind of obligate parasitic weed which only parasite on sunflower, tobacco and tomato. In recent years, the occurrence area of sunflower bloomrape was expanded enormously in Inner Mongolia due to the large quantities of sunflower introduction from domestic and foreign markets under poor management and the cultivation of sunflower varieties highly susceptible to sunflower bloom rapes, especially in the region of Bayannur, it has causing enormous economic losses. In this paper described the detailed information of the sunflower bloomrape and some other species in the genus Orobanche including their synonyms, distribution, life history,occurrence regularity and control techniques which can provide assistance to the control of Orobanche weeds on sunflower.
    The Problems and Measures in the Prevention and Control of Facilities Vegetable Diseases and Insect Pests in Chifeng
    2013, (1):  78-78. 
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    Through in-depth research, the paper detailed summarized the problems and measures of facilities vegetable diseases and insect pests in Chifeng, in order to play a guidance and reference for the development of the region facilities vegetables as well as increase production of farmers.
    The Grassland Grasshoppers Occurrence Condition in Ulanchap Area of 2012 and Occurrence Prediction of 2013
    2013, (1):  80-80. 
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    According to analysis the overwintering grasshopper population, occurrence regulation, weather data and occurrence condition of grasshopper past years, this paper introduce an outbreak of grassland grasshoppers and control situation of 2012 in Ulanchap area, while made a preliminary prediction of grasshopper occurrence condition of 2013 in Ulanchap area.
    Study on the Impact of Penicillin to Apple Rot Secretions
    2013, (1):  82-82. 
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    The research determined the content of phloridzin in three kinds different samples by HPLC and adding penicillin in different volumes to determined the content changes of phloridzin.It improved that penicillin could analyze Phloridzin.
    The Main Problems and Countermeasures of Soybean Field Chemical Weeding of Molidawa Daur Banner
    2013, (1):  85-85. 
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    Molidawa Daur Nationality Autonomous Banner is the hometown of the soybean. Because soybean area is too large, there are many problems in the soybean fields of chemical weeding. Due to the resistance of farmland weed communities is strengthen, the difficulty of chemical weeding increased by the harm of the weed ,the mistaken choose, duplicate mix and use of the herbicide, serious of soybean field seedling stage phytotoxicity, the aggravated hazards of long residual herbicide, backward in weeding and herbicide spraying machinery and so on, seriously affect the development of the region's agricultural structure adjustment and other crops, affecting the yield and quality of soybean. Proposes to speed up industrial restructuring, scientific and rational selection and use of herbicides, scientific and rational adjustment of planting structure and improve the use of herbicides technology, Strengthen long of residual herbicides scientific use and management, strengthen the development of spraying machinery, production, management and applied technology research, pay attention to the safety of the herbicide, and to promote the development of China's chemical weed.
    In 2012 Climate Impact Analysisin Hulunbuir City of Animal Husbandry
    2013, (1):  89-89. 
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    Using of statistical methods, contrasting the main meteorological elements of the Hulun Buir city in 2012 and of the meteorological observation data in fifty years, and combining animal physiological characteristics and forage growth characteristics, the effect of climate condition is analysed on the growth of herbage and livestock, providing scientific basis on improving animal husbandry resource effectiveness index and eoefficient of utilization of Hulun Buir city ,and having a certain reference value for animal husbandry science and technology changing into practical productive forces.
    Man-mechine Audit Make the Automatic Station Report Better
    2013, (1):  91-91. 
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    Accompanied with the introduction of automatic weather station, reporting and auditing also has been automated. Although the software is adjusted and upgraded ceaselessly, but there are still many imperfections In the automatic audit process. So we should do audit combined with machine to satisfy the requirements that the meteorological record should be continuous, complete and accuracy and get the high quality of statements. The author describes that the method of abnormal record analysis,judgement focused on the man-machine routine audit of monthly report of meteorological data A file and month minute observation data J file combined the nearly two years the problems found in audit process in detail, so that the auditor can work by referring to it, to improve the quality of surface monthly reports.
    Discussion on Determination of Cloud of some Experience
    2013, (1):  93-93. 
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    in the use of automatic weather station observation related meteorological elements and gain popularity today, data recording accuracy improves gradually, but there are still many visual items by people's subjective consciousness influence. Artificial in determining cloud, cloud 's character is often not obvious, or in the course of evolution, in the similar condition, it is necessary to cloud made a comprehensive analysis, in order to accurately judge. This article from the cloud observation methods and requirements, evolution, shape features as well as with weather phenomenon summarize cloud identification.
    Changzhutan Urban Agglomeration Green Heart Development Problems in its Countermeasures
    2013, (1):  102-102. 
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    Learn from the experience of domestic and international the urban agglomeration green heart protection, to the green heart of the junction of the three cities for the study, combined with the natural geographical features of the Southern Hills, facing the green heart of the ecological environment, optimize the industrial structurethe layout, intensive land development, development of the leisure economy as the core of sustainable operations mechanism proposed Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration demonstration area of the green heart protective development strategy.
    Analysis of Plant Disposition in Residential Green Landscaping
    2013, (1):  103-103. 
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    Based on the current plant disposition in residential green landscaping, problems worthy of attention was synthetically analysed. Finally, the measures to improve residential green landscaping to be more and more ecological and comfortable is provided.
    Researching the Application of Ground Cover Plants in Landscaping
    2013, (1):  104-104. 
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    In this paper, explore the advantages of the ground cover plants using in the garden, sum up out of the selection direction of the ground cover plants, application principles and the configuration method from different habitat conditions, for the ground cover plants in landscaping applications provide the basis.
    Innovation and Application of Techniques of Maize Whole Plastic-film Mulching on Double Ridges and Planting
    2013, (1):  109-109. 
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    WangYeFu town is located in country of KaLaQin, city of ChiFeng ,Inner Mongolia southwest, is located in the Inner Mongolia plateau and the junction of the north China plain, loess hilly land in the majority, the annual precipitation 350--400 mm, belongs to the typical drought half arid area. Natural precipitation in the region is the main source of agricultural production, drought, water shortage has become restrict the development of agricultural production area of the main factors. Techniques of maize whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting can improve rainfall use efficiency, significant temperature, moisture, increasing production effect, 2011 WangYeFu town of popularization and application of 11000 mu, an average of 853.0 kg per mu yield, the conventional half coated per mu yield of 680.5 kg, 173.5 kg, mu mu increase income 244.0 yuan. At present, WangYeFu town main application is techniques of maize whole plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting.
    Summarize of Cell Disruption Technique and Application
    2013, (1):  113-113. 
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    A lot of biological molecules are inside the cell, and they must be released from it. This is achieved by cell disruption .The paper Cell disruption of mechanical and non-mechanical technique and application were summarized. Features and problems of these techniques were discussed. In the end, the development of ultrasonic cell disruption technique was forecasted.
    Present Situation Investigation of Lily Plant Resources and Protection Suggestion in Liaoning Province
    2013, (1):  122-122. 
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    Lily is famous bulbous ornamental flowers in the world, and has high medicinal and edible value. In this paper,, Through current situation investigation of lily plant resources in Liaoning province, understandf extant species and distribution of Lilium wild plant resources in Liaoning area and Put forward a reasonable the current problems
    Research on the Cultivation Management and Development of Xanthoceras sorbifolia
    2013, (1):  124-124. 
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    This paper briefly introduces the use ,cultivationhistory,present development and varieties of Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge that is biodiesel preferment species in the north of China. According to the botanical character and biological characteristics of Xanthoceras sorbifolia ,we summarize its cultivation technology, and put forward its development direction.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China