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20 October 2013, Volume 34 Issue 10
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  • Supplementary Fattening Experiment on Oula Type of Tibetan Sheep Lamb in Guinan Alpine Region of Qinghai during Grass Withering Period
    2013, 34(10):  1-1.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.002
    Abstract ( 111 )   PDF (156KB) ( 49 )   Save
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    Supplementary fattening experiment on Oula type of Tibetan sheep lamb in Guinan alpine region of Qinghai during grass withering period was carried out. Results showed that the lambs during grass withering period were fed through grazing and supplying beneficiated material particles with ad libitum feeding, the average weight and daily gain of 11 -month sheep after 60 days reached 40.58 kg and 71.83 g respectively, which were increased by 9.41 kg and 109.83 g compared with control (P〈0.01), so the gaining effect was very obvious; the carcass weight and dressing percentage reached 17.71 kg and 43.65%, which were increased by 5.69 kg and 5.09% compared with control (P〈0.05), and every sheep could gain 86.80 yuan more than control, so the economic benefit was very significant.
    Study on the Growth Characteristics of Red Globe Grape with Facility Delayed Cultivation in Desert Area
    2013, 34(10):  3-3.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.003
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    Under the conditions of facility delayed cultivation in desert area, 4-year-old red globe grape that were cultivated in sunshine greenhouse and 4-year-old red globe grape with open cultivation were used as research objects to sample some plants. And their growth and development situations were studied by comparison test, which provided production service for the facility delayed cultivation of red globe grape in desert area.
    Effects of Short-term Supplementary Feeding Combined with Drug Aphrodisiac on Improvement of Cow Reproductive Rate
    2013, 34(10):  8-8.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.006
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    The major problem for beef cattle industry in our country is currently facing with tension of commercial cattle sources and insufficiency of beef supply. Low reproductive rate of basic cows is an important factor causing tension of cattle sources. Therefore, improving cow reproductive rate is of great significance to alleviating tension of cattle sources, improving farming income and promoting healthy development of the industry. In this experiment, the combination of short-term aphrodisiac fodder and aphrodisiac drug was used to improve cow reproductive rate. The results showed that aphrodisiac fodder combined with aphrodisiac drug made cow estrus rate reach 81.8% and percent pregnancy rate reach 63.6% within two months. Estrus and pregnancy rates were improved significantly. Compared with the present mode of production, the technology solution has obvious effects and can significantly improve the breedin~ economic benefits.
    Study on the Technology of Producing Bacillus subtilis with Persimmon as Base Material
    2013, 34(10):  11-11.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.007
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    Persimmon was selected as base material to optimize the fermentative medium of one strain of Bacillus subtilis. The results showed that the viable bacteria number was up to 4.7×1010 cfu/mL when the culture medium contained ripe persimmon homogenate 100 g/L, 20 g/L soybean meal, 5% inoculum amount after culture for 24 hours at the temperature of 37 ℃
    Fast Detection Report of Melamine in Fresh Milk
    2013, 34(10):  12-12.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.008
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    [Objective] The research aimed to rapidly and accurately detect melamine in fresh milk and ensure the health and safety of fresh milk and its products. [ Method ] The content of melamine in 60 raw milk samples from milk cylinder and transport vehicles of 17 milk stations in Bazhou of Xinjiang was detected by enzyme linked immune method (SNAP). [Result] The detection results of melamine content in 60 fresh milk samples were negative. [ Conclusion ] The content of melamine in raw milk samples in milk cylinder and transport vehicles of 17 milk stations in Bazhou of Xinjiang and the results showed negative. 60 milk samples were detected and 60 samples were eligible, so the eligible rate reached 100%.
    Study on the Effects of Glycyl-Glutamine Dipeptide on the Lipid Metabolism in Liver of Yellow-feathered Broiler and Its Mechanism
    2013, 34(10):  13-13.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.009
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    360 one-day old yellow-feathered broilers were randomly divided into four groups to drink with 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 mg/L glycyl-glutamine dipeptide (made with cool boiled water) respectively for 41 days. The content of TG in the liver was determined by commercial TG kit. By using semi-quantitative RT-PCR,mRNA expression level of ACC and PPAR ot were detected. The results showed that Gly-Gln dipetide dose-dependently decreased the expression level of A CC mRNA in the liver and that in 0.10 mg/L Gly-Gln dipetide group had significant difference with control group (P〈0.05). Gly-Gln dipetide could significantly increased the expression level of PPAR ot mRNA and that in 0.05 mg/L Gly-Gln dipetide group had significant difference with control group(P〈0.05). Gly-Gln dipetide had the trend of increasing the TG content in the liver, but the difference was not significant (P 〉0.05). Therefore Gly-Gln dipetide could decrease the synthesis of TG in the liver and promote metabolism, so as to reduce body fat deposition.
    Discussion on the Waste Liquid Disposal in Feed Detection Laboratory
    2013, 34(10):  27-27.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.015
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    Appropriate disposal of waste liquid in laboratory was of positive meaning for maintaining environment health. The concrete methods and measures of waste liquid disposal in feed detection laboratory were briefly analyzed and discussed, so as to provide references for feed detection institutions.
    Research Progress on the Application of Urea Release Technology in Ruminants
    2013, 34(10):  29-29.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.016
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    Urea was of great significance and it had wide application in actual production. But feeding urea directly also had some disadvantages. When feed was mixed unevenly or urea was excessively added, the release rate of ammonia in rumen was four times as its utilization rate by rumen microbe. In order to make full use of urea by ruminants and synchronization of utilizing ammonia and releasing ammonia of rumen microbe, a lot of studies were made. The research progresses on the application of urea-releasing technology in ruminants were summarized.
    Alfalfa Silage Additives and Their Applying Progress
    2013, 34(10):  32-32.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.017
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    Alfalfa is a kind of perennial herb, and as a favorable fodder resource, the ensiled alfalfa plays an important role in easing up the shortage of fodder and regulating the supply and demand of the green feeding stuff. But because of its high buffer energy and low content of soluble carbohydrate, it's difficult to get the good effect by mixing alfalfa directly. At present, many researches have focused on using additive to obtain good ensiled alfalfa fodder. The relative researches and applying conditions of alfalfa silage additives at home and abroad in recent years were summarized, and the research trend in the future was looked forward.
    Physiological Functions and Research Progress on Animal Production of Wolfberry Polysaccharide
    2013, 34(10):  37-37.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.019
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    Wolfberry polysaccharides (lycium barbarum polysaccharide, LBP) is an important active ingredient in wolfberry, and is a water-soluble polysaccharide which includes six monosaccharide like Ara, Clc, Gal, Man, Xyl and Rha. LBP is rich in trace elements and amino acids, and has some functions of enhancing immunity, anti-cancer, lowering blood pressure, anti-thrombotic and anti-aging effects. Therefore, as a new type of green feed additives in animal production, LBP has good prospect in animal production. The physiological function and role in animal production of LBP were summarized.
    Status of Domesticated Use of Wild Grass in Tibetan Xigaze Area
    2013, 34(10):  41-41.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.021
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    Due to the unique geographical environment in Tibetan Xigaze area, some problems always exist in artificial grassland construction in Tibetan Xigaze area like the singleness of variety and type and the low adaptability of grasses. In order to promote grass species and advance forage science development of grassland construction in Tibetan Xigaze area, the characteristics and domesticated significance of wild excellent grasses, general situation of Tibetan Xigaze area, nature domesticated research Status of forage in Tibetan Xigaze area and restraining factors were summarized, and domesticated methods of wild forage were introduced.
    Innovation and Practice of Teaching Methods in Veterinary Parasitology
    2013, 34(10):  45-45.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.023
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    Veterinary Parasitology is a comprehensive subject of general biology and veterinary medicine, and it is a professional basic course of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry and veterinary. Veterinary parasitology illustrated the parasites and the influences and diseases. Through the innovation of traditional teaching methods and practice of teaching process,the routine teaching methods were improved in the teaching process and the use of academic paper, types and time of practice. And better teaching effects were achieved. The teaching status of Veterinary Parasitology was introduced. And the experiences on the innovation and oractice of the teachin~ method of this emerge were eYnannded
    Exploration and Practice on the Course Construction of Introduction to Aquaculture
    2013, 34(10):  49-49.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.025
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    According to the construction contents and requirements of exquisite courses, with cultivating high-quality talents as objective, the course of Introduction to A q uaculture was explored and practiced from four aspects of the teaching content, teaching methods and means ,experiment teaching and course assessment. And better teaching results had been achieved.
    Application Experience of Case Teaching in Biological Statistics and Experimental Design Course
    2013, 34(10):  53-53.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.026
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    Based on the scientific research results of teachers, students' information and scientific literature, the teaching cases that was not only related to the major, but it could also arouse students' passion and trigger students' creative thinking were wrote. And the teaching effects of applying the written cases were analyzed, so as to play the promotive effects of case teaching in the teaching and learning of biological statistics and experimental design course. The application experiences of case teaching in the biological statistics and experimental design course were summarized.
    Discussion on the Experimental Teaching Reform of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
    2013, 34(10):  55-55.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.027
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    Medical microbiology and immunology experiment is an important supplement to the theory teaching. In order to cultivate the independent thinking ability of students and excavate creative thinking, how to improve the experiment teaching effect of medical microbiology and immunology were discussed so as to lay a good foundation for the follow-up courses from the aspects of cultivating students' learning interest, reform experiment teaching content, strengthen the experiment assessment.
    Discussion on the Talents Training System of Full-time Agricultural Extension Professional Master in Culture Field of Local Higher Agricultural Colleges
    2013, 34(10):  58-58.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.029
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    The training of full-time agricultural extension professional master in culture field of China agricultural colleges and the talent training system was lack. Based on the practical exploration and survey for three years, the talent training objective, the establishment of curriculum system, the management of graduation thesis and practical training of graduate students in this filed were discussed. And the talent training system with local features was preliminary established, which provided the theory reference for cultivating the high level of masters in this field.
    Construction of Case Teaching of Compound Veterinary Law Model in Higher Agricultural College
    2013, 34(10):  67-67.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.033
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    According to the present situation of the teaching of veterinary law, the feasibility of composite case teaching was analyzed. How to construct a composite case teaching model of veterinary law was discussed from the aspects of case selection direction, extension and its significance, forming case family system and the effective management of veterinary law case library, etc.
    Reform in Teaching Method of Physical and Chemical Analysis for Animal Food Course
    2013, 34(10):  70-70.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.035
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    Aimed at the features of Physical and Chemical Analysis for Animal Food course, the teachers took advantages of some different teaching methods, such as respecting the dominant sense of the students,theory connected with practice,using a lot of teaching skills and reforming the examinational ways to arouse the students interest in the course of Physical and Chemical Analysis for Animal Food so as to improve the teaching effect and mutual increase in teaching and studying.Teaching reform in Physical and Chemical A nalysis for Animal Food course was explored.
    Problems and Countermeasures of Constructing Preventive Veterinary Key Discipline in Hebei Province
    2013, 34(10):  75-75.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.038
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    In order to play the key disciplines advantage of Preventive Veterinary, the necessity and importance of constructing Preventive Veterinary key disciplines in Hebei were proposed, and appropriate measures were summarized. The corresponding countermeasures for problems during construction issues were also put forward.
    Effect of Fatty Acid-binding Proteins (FABPs) Gene Polymorphism on Animal Products Quality
    2013, 34(10):  82-82.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.041
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    Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are members of a superfamily of lipid-binding proteins,occur in animal cytoplasm widely, and undertake the transportation of fatty acids in cells. With the depth of the scientific research, FABPs gene polymorphism can regulate fat metabolism, thus improve the quality of animal products, improve the utilization rate of feed and reduce pollution to environment. The structure and type of FABPs, the effect of FABPs on fat metabolism, FABPs gene polymorphism and its application in improving the role of livestock quality, efficacy and application characteristics were discussed in order to orovide reference for imorovin~ livestock culture technoloa, v.
    Regulation of Vitamin A in Gene Expression
    2013, 34(10):  85-85.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.042
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    As the development of molecule biology technique and methods and its application in nutrition, the interaction between nutrient and gene expression has become the hotspot of study. Based on a simple introduction for the physiological functions of vitamin A, the relevant gene expressions and regulatory mechanisms were reviewed.
    Resource Utilization and Industry Cycle Technology of Contaminant from Large Pig Farm
    2013, 34(10):  88-88.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.043
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    By using self-innovating technology and establishing USR facility system,some problems of harmless treatment and comprehensive resource utilization for sewage from large pig farm were solved. Three biogas' produced in pig farm is applied for keeping warm for pig farm and fishpond, energy resources for farm and as an organic fertilizer, so a chain can form as pig- producing-stool-biogas-comprehensive application of biogas-pollution-free agricultural production ,which not only can improve health environment and increase productivity, but also can provide high quality organic fertilizer for developing eco-agriculture and organic agricultural product. Resource utilization and industry cycle economic construction mode of contaminant from large pig farm were established. The construction content, technological process and technology application of large biogas digester matching construction project for pig farm were introduced.
    Report on the Investigation of Scale Production Technique for Beef Cattle in USA ( II ) --.Uncover the Wonderfulness of American Beef Production Technology
    2013, 34(10):  99-99.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.047
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    The United States is one of the world's most developed countries in beef cattle industry, possessing a relatively sound beef industry chain and a high organizational degree. There are more than 100 varieties of beef cattle, but only about 10 varieties are commonly used, among which Angus cattle accounts for 40% of American registered breeding cattle. In USA, 95% beef cattle are crossed themselves, and only 5% are carries out artificial insemination; commodity herds take full advantage of hybrid vigor to improve economic benefits. The beef cattle fattening way, especially the application of high energy feed and high protein feed is very scientific and reasonable in USA.
    Survey on the Healthy Breeding Situations of Dairy Cows in Xinjiang Suburbs
    2013, 34(10):  112-112.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2013.10.054
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    [Objective] The scatter-fed and large-scale dairy farm in Changji suburbs of Xinjiang on the north slope of Tianshan were used as research objects to investigate the body condition,breeding environment, hygine score and mastitis, blood characteristics and other health condition of dairy cows. [Method] The dairy cows in dry period, early lactating period and middle lactating period from 5 households and large-scale dairy farms were selected to determine the body condition,breeding environment,mastitis and blood characteristics and other health conditions in winter and summer respectively. [Result] Body condition of dairy cows in dry period was slightly lower than the ideal score of body condition (3.5). The breathing times of dairy cows in summer increased, up to 50 times per minute. The pollution level of large-scale dairy farms was higher than the scatter- fed cows. Especially in winter the pollution evaluation value of more than 50% of dairy cows were higher than 3. The incidence rate of mastitis in large-scale dairy farms reached 40%, and Staphylococcus aureus cases were found. More than 50% dairy cows were at low level of blood sugar, and it was especially obvious. Alb and BUN levels in blood were lower and BUN content in dairy cows in dry period was mostly lower than 7 mg/dL. AST level in blood was higher, and GGT level was lower. Ca concentration was in the normal range, and Mg concentration in blood was low. [Conclusion] The energy and protein levels were insufficient in dairy cows in dry period in large-scale dairy farm. The breeding environment in winter was poor, which caused body pollution and high incidence of mastitis of dairy cows. The phenomenon such as liver function injury caused by hock wound needed to be improved.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

