畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 58-60.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2019.12.013

• 资源与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴贝, 姜涛, 李钢平, 况世昌, 李筱雯   

  1. 湖北华大瑞尔科技有限公司,湖北 武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2019-09-03 出版日期:2019-12-30 发布日期:2020-03-05
  • 通讯作者: 李筱雯(1985—),女,高级工程师,博士,主要研究方向为微生物发酵。
  • 作者简介:吴贝(1990—),女,兽医师,硕士,主要研究方向为微生物发酵。

Effects of Microecological Preparation on Ammonia Emission in Pig House and Growth Performance of Pigs

WU Bei, JIANG Tao, LI Gang-ping, KUANG Shi-chang, LI Xiao-wen   

  1. Hubei Huada Ruier Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2019-09-03 Online:2019-12-30 Published:2020-03-05

摘要: 旨在探讨微生态制剂对猪舍氨气的去除效果及其对猪生长性能的影响。在选取1栋猪舍(NO.1)开展验证试验的基础上,另选用1栋猪舍(NO.2)的育肥猪作为试验组,猪只基础日粮中添加5‰的益唯康和2.5%的瑞尔康,同时,采用喷洒和泼洒的方式,利用瑞尔加喷洒液对猪只体表和猪舍内各区域进行除臭,试验周期60 d;对照组猪舍(NO.3)中的育肥猪饲喂基础日粮,猪粪及猪舍内区域不用除臭剂进行处理,试验周期60 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验第3天试验组猪舍的氨气浓度降至5.6 mg/kg,去除率达到70.05%;试验期间试验组猪只的平均日增重提高了23.79%,日耗料量增加了4.45%,存活率高于对照组2个百分点,但料肉比降低了15.83%。综上提示,饲喂和喷洒微生态制剂能够有效去除猪舍氨气,并能提高猪的生长性能。

关键词: 微生态制剂, 氨气, 猪, 生长性能

Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of microecological preparation on ammonia emission in pig house and growth performance of pigs. A 7-day-long verification test of two commercially available microecological preparations ('Yiweikang' and 'Ruierkang') for feed additive use and a commercially available microecological deodorant ('Ruierjia') for environmental use was conducted in a pig house (NO. 1). Subsequently, a formal test was carried out in the followed schedule. The basal diet of the fattening pigs in the experimental pig house (NO. 2) was supplemented with 5‰ 'Yiweikang' and 2. 5% 'Ruierkang'. Furthermore, the spray liquid of 'Ruierjia' was sprinkled in the body surface of the pigs and around the different regions of the experimental pig house (NO. 2). A control group (NO. 3 pig house) was also included in the formal test. The fattening pigs in the control pig house (NO. 3) were fed with basal diet without addition of the microecological preparation, and the control pig house received no deodorant treatment. The formal test lasted for 60 days. The results showed that compared to the control pig house (NO. 3), the ammonia concentration of the experimental pig house (NO. 2) was reduced to 5. 6 mg/kg at the 3rd day of experiment, with a removal rate of 70. 05%; during the experimental period, the average daily gain of the fattening pigs in the experimental pig house (NO. 2) was elevated by 23. 79%, the daily feed consumption was increased by 4. 45%, the survival rate was 2 percentage points higher, and the feed/meat ratio was decreased by 15. 83%. In conclusion, dietary supplementation and spraying of the microecological preparations can effectively remove the ammonia in pig house and can promote the growth performance of pigs.

Key words: microecological preparation, ammonia, pig, growth performance
