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20 January 2011, Volume Issue 1
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  • Cloning and Analysis of env and LTR Sequence of Sheep Endogenous Jaagsiekte Retrovirus
    2011, 32(1):  3-3.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.002
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    According to the conservative subsequences of env gene and long terminal repeat(LTR) of endogenous sheep jaagsiekte retrovirus published in GenBank,env gene and LTR gene of endogenous sheep jaagsiekte retrovirus were amplified by PCR.After purification,the fragment was cloned to pMD18-T vector and sequenced.The sequences were analyzed with MEGA4.1 and DNASTAR software.The results showed that the env gene had complete open reading frame,and it had 99.7% nucleotide acid homology to that of endogenous sheep jaagsiekte retrovirus(AF153615.1) but only 90.6% nucleotide acid homology to that of exogenous sheep jaagsiekte retrovirus(M80216.1).The deduced amino acid sequence of the endogenous env gene was compared with those included by NCBI using BLAST software.The results showed that it had 100% amino acid homology to that of endogenous sheep jaagsiekte retrovirus(AF153615.1),and the encoded protein had hydrophilicity.This study provides important reference for studying the regulatory effects of 5′ LTR on endogenous env gene.
    Key Technologies for Integrated Control of Meadow Moth
    2011, 32(1):  7-7.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.003
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    Meadow moth is an important pest in agricultural and livestock production in north China,and its life history and law of occurrence and damage are very complicated.It has polyphagia,gregarious,concealment,sudden,fulminant,migratory behavior and other characteristics.Since the founding of China,periodic outbreaks of meadow moth have occurred three times.And it is now in the third damage cycle.Inner Mongolia has a vast territory,complex natural climatic conditions as well as rich and various vegetation types.It is the main source area and disaster area of meadow moth.The paper reviews the morphological characteristics,life habits,law of occurrence,distribution and damage characteristics of meadow moth as well as its situation in Inner Mongolia.And exploration was actively performed in research and application of key technologies for comprehensive prevention and control of meadow moth including prevention and control strategy,using lights for trapping and killing adults,using bamboo bests for attracting predators,and scientific use of drugs in field.
    The Design and Construction of Classroom Teaching Links of Animal Husbandry Course Based on Balance of Livestock Animal and Grass
    2011, 32(1):  14-14.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.007
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    According to the teaching experiences,the design and construction of classroom teaching links of Animal Husbandry course was explored from teaching content,teaching methods,teaching means.The aim was to improve the quality of classroom teaching,and achieve ideal teaching results.
    Practice and Discussion on Improving Teaching Quality of Livestock Breeding
    2011, 32(1):  16-16.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.008
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    Livestock Breeding is an important compulsory,fundamental and specialized course for animal science specialty.In this paper,how to improve teaching abilities of teachers,improve teaching method and teaching contents and reform assessment system,were discussed to improve teaching quality and teaching effect,based on course characteristics and existed problems in teaching of Livestock Breeding.
    Development of Higher Education on Pratacultural Science in Guangxi
    2011, 32(1):  18-18.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.009
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    With a history more than 70 years,pratacultural science is a well established research field worldwide.With the implementation of the West Development Strategy and development of pratacultural science such as the introduction of system engineering approach and prataculture ecosystem theory,higher education in pratacultural science has been conducted in most of China,and comprehensive programs for pratacultural science major that offer degrees at three different levels: Bachelor,Master and Ph.D has been developed.As a result,pratacultural science major becomes more and more important in academia.Unfortunately,Guangxi Autonomous Region,which has more than 10% of total grassland in south China area and is heavily dependent on mountainous and rocky agriculture,does not have any higher education program on pratacultural science.Therefore,we reviewed the perspective and prospect of the pratacultural science both national-wide and worldwide,and we also proposed the urgency and necessity to develop higher education on pratacultural science in Guangxi.On this basis,we also represented the strategy and significance to develop higher education on pratacultural science in Guangxi.Further,we justified our conclusions with areas of Karst mountain and grassland,sustainable agriculture,economic and social development,and development of higher education.We believed that to develop program on pratacultural science in Guangxi University fits in well with the goals of China,and higher education in Guangxi University has its own disciplinary superiority and specialty foundation of disciplinary development.Pratacultural science involves a broad spectrum of research disciplines,and it can create cross-disciplinary co-operations with the existing programs of agricultural sciences in Guangxi University,which has an apparent synergetic effect and enriches academia.In addition,no enough skilled personnel is available in the pratacultural science field,which ensure a bright future for the pratacultural science.
    Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching of Veterinary Microbiology
    2011, 32(1):  22-22.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.010
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    Veterinary Microbiology is an important fundamental subject of veterinary major.Considering its features and new problems and associating with teaching experience,we changed teaching content,improved teaching methods and perfected examination methods in practice.The results showed that students had a stronger activeness to study,higher studying efficiency and stronger hands-on capability after reform.And teaching quality of teachers was also improved.
    Explore on Teaching Methods of Laboratory Animal Science
    2011, 32(1):  24-24.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.011
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    As a newly discipline,Laboratory Animal Science involves in laboratory animal and animal experiments,it become the basis and conditions in life sciences research,and it is one of the most active disciplines in the modern life sciences research field.In the paper,the teaching methods of Laboratory Animal Science were explored in order to improve the teaching effects and provide reference for other teachers.
    Research Progress on X Chromosome Inactivation,Its Escaping and the Related Diseases
    2011, 32(1):  26-26.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.012
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    Dosage compensation effect is one of epigenetic mechanism,it is the process that the levels of X linked gene expression is equalized between the sexes.However,the mechanisms of dosage compensation in different species is different,it is achieved by randomly inactivating one of the two X chromosomes in the female individuality for human being and mammals.In recent years,although X chromosomes was inactivated,some genes still were expressed in human and mouse.Nowadays,it is found that the etiologies and treatments of some human diseases,especially those are high incidence to women,probably related to these genes.Hence,the latest research progresses about it were reviewed in this article.
    The Progress of Natural Resistance Associated Macrophage Protein 1
    2011, 32(1):  28-28.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.013
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    Natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1 has been testified that it is correlation to resistance on a variety of intracellular bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis,Salmonella and Leishmania etc.In this paper,the structure characteristics of NRAMP1 gene,expression mechanism,regulation and correlation with disease was reviewed,it will provide the theoretical basis for breeding application in pig disease resistance.
    Formula Screening of Dilution for Boar Semen Preserved at Room Temperature
    2011, 32(1):  32-32.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.015
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    To screen excellent dilution,boar semen was diluted and preserved in three common dilutions and one self-prepared dilution.The semen preserved in the self-prepared dilution was used for mating.Sperm motility was determined by 10-score assessment method,and effective survival time,overall survival time and survival index were calculated.The results showed that the self-prepared dilution had better preservative effect on sperm than Kiew solution,glucose-sodium citrate solution and glucose solution.The results of the mating experiment showed that the sows artificially inseminated with the semen preserved in the self-prepared dilution had conception rate and litter size which reached the requirements of production.Therefore,the self-prepared dilution can be used in production.
    Design of Comprehensive Experiment on Aquatic Animal Nutrition and Feed
    2011, 32(1):  34-34.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.016
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    In this study,comprehensive experiment on aquatic animal nutrition and feed was designed to made student master the skills and initiate their interesting and real the new teaching model of self-training.
    Study on the Fattening Experiment of Du-Mon Crossbreed and Du-Han Crossbreed Sheep
    2011, 32(1):  35-35.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.017
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    In this experiment,Du-Mon and Du-Han crossbreed fattening lambs were randomly selected and weighted under the same breeding condition at 90-day-old and 150-day-old from Siziwangqi of Inner Mongolia,the statistics of average body weight and daily gain of fattening lambs was made,and the fattening effect of Du-Mon and Du-Han crossbreed sheep also be discussed.The results showed that the average body weight and daily gain of Du-Mon crossbreed fattening sheep at 90-day-old and 150-day-old lambs were significantly higher than that of Du-Han crossbreed.
    Effects of Different Formulas of Roughage on Weight Gain of Lambs
    2011, 32(1):  39-39.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.019
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    In the herbivore breeding in Bayannaoer City of Inner Mongolia,there are unreasonable proportion of roughage,feeding animals mainly with straws,serious shortage of high-quality forages and other issues.To solve these problems,weight gain of lambs was determined after they were fed roughage with different formulas.This study will provide reference for scientific and rational adjustment and optimization of the structure of roughage,transformation of growth mode of animal husbandry,effective promotion of the development of forage and upgrade of forage quality,and increasing proportion of high-quality forage or dedicated pasture,which further increases livestock breeding efficiency.
    Physic-chemical Properties of Swill Oil
    2011, 32(1):  40-40.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.020
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    Physic-chemical indicators of swill oil and other qualified edible oils were compared.As shown by the analysis on physical and chemical indicators,the moisture content in the swill oil was 35 times as high as that in the Jinhao tea-seed oil;the peroxide value of the swill oil was 5.5 times as high as that in the Jinhao tea-seed oil;and acid value of the swill oil was 25.2 times as high as that in the Jinhao tea-seed oil.And the colors and relative density of the swill oil were better than that of the edible oils.The iodine value of the swill oil was lower than that of other edible oils.After being frozen,the swill oil had precipitates and cloudy grease.The electrical conductivity of the swill oil was higher than that of the edible oils.Thus,determination of electrical conductivity can be used to distinguish swill oil from edible oils.
    Optimal Protein Levels of One-year Old Male Sika Deer
    2011, 32(1):  48-48.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.023
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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different protein dietaries on the digestibility of nutrients and serum biochemical indicators in male sika deer.Fourteen one-year old male sika deer were randomly allocated into four groups and fed four different diets with crude protein levels of 10.27%,14.26%,15.61% and 18.60%,respectively.Feeding trial and digestion trial were performed.Dry matter intake,weight,nutrient intake and digestibility,crude protein intake and digestibility,feed conservation ratio and serum biochemical indicators were determined.The results showed that the optimum protein level in diet of one-year old male sika deer was 18.60%.
    Effects of Zinc Oxide-free Diet on Growth Performance of Weaned Piglets
    2011, 32(1):  55-55.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.026
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    This study was aimed to study effects of zinc oxide-free diet on performance of weaned piglets.A total of 180 Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire weaned piglets weighing about 7 kg were randomly divided into three groups,two replicates in each group(n = 30).The piglets in the control group were fed with diet added zinc oxide at a level of 2 000 mg/kg and limestone powder at a proportion of 0.55%.The piglets in the experimental group Ⅰwere fed with diet added limestone powder at a proportion of 0.55% and enteric coated zinc preparation at a level of 500 mg/kg,while those in the experimental group Ⅱ were fed with diet added organic acidifier compound calcium at a proportion of 0.385% and acidifier added at a proportion of 0.15%.The results showed that organic calcium(Lishengbao) which substituted zinc oxide and limestone powder reduced pH values in gastrointestinal tract,inhibited growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria,decreased rate of diarrhea in the weaned piglets,and prevented diarrhea which was achieved by adding zinc oxide.Therefore,the organic acidifier compound calcium and acidifier can effectively zinc oxide and limestone powder and can promote the healthy development of piglets.
    Research Advances in Ligninase and Screening of Its High-yield Strains
    2011, 32(1):  58-58.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.027
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    Lignin is a renewable resource very abundant in nature.It is one of the key factors which affect utilization of plant cellulose because of its unique structure and complexity.Therefore,it has been a hot research spot to explore how to use ligninase to degrade lignin in lignocellulosic materials,release lignin from package of cellulose and hemicellulose and thus achieve efficient use of cellulose.This review concludes the studies on ligninase and screening of its high-yield strains in order to provide reference for degradation of lignin.
    Application on Enzyme Immobilization Technique
    2011, 32(1):  63-63.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.029
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    Because immobilized enzyme is easy to be transported,stored and produced automatically,it is a new application technique of enzyme in the recent years.In this article,the technique application of enzyme immobilization were introduced,including tradition technique,exploitation of different carrier material,reshaping after using different carrier material,and new type technique.
    Development Status of Enzyme Preparation Industry in China
    2011, 32(1):  68-68.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.031
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    The paper introduces current development status of enzyme preparation industry and its major problems in China.And it also represents the application of enzyme preparations in production and life,including bread baking industry,fruit and vegetable processing industry,paper industry,beer industry,textile industry and other fields.The study will provide a reference for further research about enzyme preparations and the development of enzyme preparation industry.
    Research Progress in Molecular Biology of Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus
    2011, 32(1):  71-71.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.033
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    Infectious bronchitis virus(IBV) mainly invade chicken respiratory system and urogenital system and cause respiratory symptoms,kidney damage,egg drop and egg quality decline.IBV have many serotypes and are more prone to mutation,which causes great difficulties in its prevention and control.The paper mainly reviews genomic structure,replication process,structural proteins and biological function,mutation mechanism,evolution,identification and detection of IBV in order to provide reference for more in-depth understanding and research about IBV.
    Comparison on Efficiency of Inactivated Emulsion Vaccine Inoculated via Different Immunization Routes
    2011, 32(1):  77-77.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.036
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    Emulsion vaccine against Newcastle disease(ND),infectious bronchitis(IB),egg-drop syndrome(EDS) and avian encephalomyelitis(AE) was prepared in laboratory in Institute of Animal Husbandry and veterinary Medicine of Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences.SPF chickens were immunized through injection in chest muscle or leg muscle or through subcutaneous injection in neck back.Blood samples were collected,and the HI titers of ND,IB and EDS were determined.The chickens were challenged with AEV VR strain,and protective efficiency against AE was detected.The results showed that good immune efficiency was achieved whatever immunization rout was used.
    Investigation and Prevention on Swine Coccidiosis in Large-scale Pig Farms in Yan′an
    2011, 32(1):  82-82.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.039
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    In this article,the investigation was made that environment,production management and veterinary control records of 26,805 pigs from 9 large-scale pig in Yan′an comprehensively during 2005 to 2008.The survey showed that there was different degree of infection with coccidia in the all the pig farms,and the incidence rate is 1.8%-9.6%.By analyzing these cases,theses means,further strengthen environmental management and pay attention to pig health ventilation,should be kept to control coccidiosis by maintaining drug-control and helminthicide,based on different existed problems.
    Research Survey on Structure and Properties of Starch
    2011, 32(1):  102-102.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.054
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    In this report,structure,gelatinization properties and retrogradation properties of starch and factors affecting gelatinization and retrogradation were summarized.The development of starch industry was also prospected.
    Research and Application on ELISA for Detection of Trenbolone in Animal Derived Food
    2011, 32(1):  105-105.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.055
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    Trenbolone was chemically modified by succinic anhydride.Its hapten was synthesized and used to immunize animals,and specific monoclonal antibody against trenbolone was prepared.ELISA for detecting trenbolone was developed.Its sensitivity was 0.05 μg/L.Its cross-reactivity against trenbolone was 100%;that against boldenone and testosterone was less than 1%;and that against 19-nortestosterone was less than 4.5%.The recovery rate of beef samples added trenbolone at the concentrations of 2.5,5.0 and 10.0 ug/kg was 78.4%-105.6%.The coefficient of variation was less than 15%.This method is reliable to detect trenbolone residues.
    Research Progress of Quarantine Treatment on Fruit Flies
    2011, 32(1):  126-126.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2011.01.069
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    In this article,quarantine treatment on fruit flies were briefly introduces and the advantages and disadvantages of the various processing methods are discussed,and the prospect on its development was made in quarantine treatment technique.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

