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20 February 2018, Volume 39 Issue 2
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  • A Study on the Physiological and Biochemical Indicators of Tibetan Chickens in Different Altitude Areas
    2018, 39(2):  1-1.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.001
    Abstract ( 335 )   PDF (489KB) ( 97 )   Save
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    In order to explore the hereditary adaptability of high altitude ecological environment of Tibetan chickens, this study compared the difference among Tibetan chickens from different areas (Tibet, Ganzi, and low altitude area),The blood RBC, HGB, and MCV levels were higher in Tibetan chickens in Tibet than those in Ganzi (P〈0.05),meanwhile the RBC, HGB, and MCV concentrations were greater in Tibetan chicken in Ganzi than that in low altitude area (P〈0.05). Tibetan chickens in low altitude area had the highest MCH and MCHC levels among three kinds of Tibetan chicken (P〈O.05),these criteria were decreased in the Tibetan chickens in Tibet compared with those in Ganzi (P〈0.05). There was an increasing trend in the RDW-SD in Tibetan chickens as the altitude increased. The Tibetan chickens in high altitude area had greater blood total protein,albumin,globulin, glucose and total cholesterol concentrations than those in low altitude area (P〈0.01).The concentrations of triglyceride,total cholesterol,and alkaline phosphatase were greater in Tibetan chickens in Ganzi than those in low altitude area (P〈0.01).In conclusion,the Tibetan chickens living in 3 800 m altitude and 1 000 m altitude after 9 years of cultivation have great difference in physiological and biochemical indicators such as RBC, HGB, MCV, RDW-SD, MCH, MCHC, TP, ALB, GLO, GLU, and TC.
    A Study on the Growth of Pelophylax nigromaculatus Using Hermetia illucens L. Larvae Partial Replacement of Artificial Feed
    2018, 39(2):  8-8.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.002
    Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (1045KB) ( 125 )   Save
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    This research used Wuhan strain Hermetia illucens L. larvae as replacement of artificial frog feed, and then mensurated growth index and nutritional index of the Pelophyh nigromulotus. The results show that when the replacement ratio are 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%, respectively, the weight gain rate of P. nigromaculatus are 8.14%, 8.52%, 32.31%, 18.19%, and 18.99%, respectively, the specific growth rate of P. nigromaculatus are 0.22%/(t, 0.23%/d, 0.79%/d, 0.47%/d, and 0.49%/d, respectively. When the replacement ratio is 50%, the fat content, muscle fat and protein content of P. nigromaculatus reach the highest value. The weight gain and feed coefficient of the P. nigromulatu also reach the optimal value compare with the other treatments. Therefore, the use ofHermetia illucens L. larvae as artificial feed to breed P. nigromaculatus has a good effect, and the best replacement ratio is 50%. Our research has laid the foundation for the practical application of black soldier fly and its derivatives in frog breeding.
    Effects of Different Sources of Selenium on the Morphological Characteristics of Papillae in the Atrium Ruminis of Tan Sheep Lambs
    2018, 39(2):  14-14.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.003
    Abstract ( 177 )   PDF (199KB) ( 77 )   Save
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    This study was aimed to assess the effects of different sources of selenium on the morphological characteristies ofpapillae in the atrium ruminL of Tan sheep lambs. A total of fifty healthy male Tan sheep lambs with similar body weight and age(about 45-day-old) were randomly and averagely assigned into two groups: the control group fed a diet supplemented withsodium selenite, the experimental group were fed with the diet supplemented with selenium yeast. The content of selenium in bothof the two diets was 0.30 mg/kg DM. The lambs were slaughtered and their tureen samples were recovered after a sixty-dayfeeding trail. The height, width and density of the papillae in the atrium ruminis of the lambs were determined with verniercaliper. The results showed that the lambs in experimental group had significantly higher height, width and density of the papillaein the atrium rttminis compared to the control group (P〈0.05) ; slightly higher thickness of stratum eorneum and width of laminapropria were observed in the arium ruminis of the lambs in experimental group compared to the control group (P〉0.05). It wasindicated that the dietary supplementatinn of 0.30 mg/kg of selenium yeast performed better in promoting the growth anddevelopment of papillae in the atrium ruminis than supplementation of sodium selenite.
    Optimization of β-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Process for Volatile Oil from Radix Angelicae Pubescentis by Comprehensive Scoring Method
    2018, 39(2):  17-17.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.004
    Abstract ( 97 )   PDF (189KB) ( 64 )   Save
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    In order to optimize the β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) inclusion process of volatile oil from Radix Angelicae Pubescentis andimprove the efficacy of its preparation, a three-factor and three-level orthogonal test was designed to optimize the key factorsaffecting the ultrasonic inclusion process, with inclusion rate and inclusion compound yield as indicators. The results showed thatthe optimal inclusion process was as follows: ultrasonic time of 30 min, volatile oil/β-CD ratio of 1:10 (mL:g) and watedl3-CDratio of 11:1 (mL:g). This study will provide technical support for improving the utilization efficacy of the active ingredients ofRadix Angelicae Pubescentis.
    Differences between Local Breed Yellow Cattle and Cross Breed Yellow Cattle in Meat Quality and Blood Metablism Parameters in Tibetan Area
    2018, 39(2):  20-20.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.005
    Abstract ( 160 )   PDF (454KB) ( 75 )   Save
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    The aim of this study is to determine the differences of meat quality and blood biochemical parameters between crossbreed yellow cattle and local breed yellow cattle in high altitude areas. For blood free amino acid concentrations, Met, Ile, Phe,Lys and Tyr of the local breed yellow cattle were significantly higher than those of cross breed yellow cattle respectively (P〈0.05),Try, Glu, Ser, Gly, Ala, Cys, Val, Leu, His and Arg were also higher than cross breed yellow cattle (P〉0.05). Thr, Glu and Proconcentration of the local breed yellow cattle were lower than cross breed yellow cattle respectively (P〉0.05). Total amino acid,essential amino acid and non-essential amino acid were higher in blood samples of local breed yellow cattle compared with crossbreed yellow cattle (P〉0.05). Total cholesterol, urea nitrogen and total anti-oxidant activity were higher in local breed yellowcattle compared with cross breed yellow cattle(P〈0.05 ). Low density lipoprotein was higher in local breed yellow cattle than crossbreed yellow cattle (P〈O.01). No differences were found in C3, triglyceride, glucose, IgA, IgG, IgM, MDA, GSH-px andlipoprotein cholesterol between local breed yellow cattle and cross breed yellow cattle respectively (P〉0.05). For meat quality, nodifferences were found in marbling score, shearing force, cooking lose and lion eye area between local breed yellow cattle andcross breed yellow cattle(P〉0.05 ).
    Analysis on Effects of Melatonin on Genes Expression in Cashmere Goat Skin by RNA-Seq
    2018, 39(2):  26-26.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.006
    Abstract ( 107 )   PDF (315KB) ( 99 )   Save
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    In order to investigate the effects of melatonin on genes expression and to find the functional genes related to hairfollicle development, six five-month-old Inner Mongolia Hanshan Cashmere goats were selected and divided equally andrandomly into two groups, melatonin implantation group (MT) and non-implantation group (CK). Taking the skin tissue of thegoats as experimental material, RNA-Seq was performed to analyze the transcriptome data by bioinformatics methods. On thebasis of quality control of raw sequencing data, differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, and functional annotationand enrichment analysis were carried out. The results showed that a total of 462 DEGs were screened out, among which, 208 wereup-regulated while 254 were down-regulated. The results of KEGG pathway enrichment analysis elucidated that DEGs aremainly involved in the metabolic pathways, unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis, fatty acid metabolism, cancer pathways, squamouscell carcinoma pathways, melanogenesis, Wnt signaling pathway and complement and coagulation cascades. Additionally, Wntsignaling pathway may play an important role in melatonin regulation of hair follicle development. This study will provide a basisfor further study on the eftect of melatonin on hair follicle development.
    Advances on miRNAs Related to Animal Reproduction
    2018, 39(2):  31-31.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.007
    Abstract ( 158 )   PDF (800KB) ( 82 )   Save
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    miRNAs are small RNAs of 18-25 nt in lengths discovered in recent years. They do not encode mRNAs,but play important regulatory roles in the transcriptional or post-transcriptional level of genes and control many biological processes including growth, differentiation, metabolism and disease. In recent years, studies have shown that miRNAs play an important role in the regulation of mammal reproduction. The abnormal expression of miRNAs is closely related to various genital diseases and leads to the decline of fecundity and even Infertility. This article summarizes the discovery, biosynthesis, working mechanisms of miRNAs as well as research progress in animal reproductive performance. It will provide reference for the further study of miRNA.
    Effects of Treatment of Corn Germ Meal by Different Microbes on the Rumen Fermentation Parameters in vitro
    2018, 39(2):  34-34.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.008
    Abstract ( 125 )   PDF (301KB) ( 91 )   Save
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    To explore the effects of treatment of corn germ meal by different microbes on the fermentatinn parameters of rumen invitro,high bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria,yeast,bacillus subtilis and its combination were processed on corn germmeal, each with 5 replicates;then GP, pH, DMD, NH3-N of the mixed bacteria group with better effect and the raw materials weredetermined. The results showed that : compared with the control group,CP of each treatment group increased significantly (P〈0.05) ,TP of the mixed bacteria group was significantly increased (P〈0.05),and NDF of" each treatment group decreasedsignificantly (P〈0.05).GP of 2-48 h in the mixed bacteria group was significantly higher than control group (P〈0.05).B value(tile smoothness of the gas production cnrve)aud C value (time of the maximum value of theoretical gas production)weresignificantly higher than control group (P〈0.05). pH of the mixed bacteria group in 48 h was significantly lower than controlgroup (P〈0.05),DMD and NH3-N in the mixed bacteria group were significantly higher than control group (P〈0.05). Inconclusion,microbial treatment of corn germ meal can irnprove the nutritional value of the raw material,while effect of mixedbacteria treatment is better. Mixed bacteria treatment can improve the utilization value of corn germ meal by ruminants.
    Content Determination of Chromium and Fluorine in Sunflower Discs in Bayannur of Inner Mongolia
    2018, 39(2):  38-38.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.009
    Abstract ( 149 )   PDF (182KB) ( 97 )   Save
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    Sunflower is the main cash crop in Bayannur of Inner Mongolia, and its by-product sunflower disS, is widely used inanimal industry. In order to utilize sunflower discs safely and reasonably and improve the feedstuff database in Bayannur, thesunflower discs in 6 counties of Bayannur were collected, and their contents of fluorine and chromium were determined. Theresults showed that the contents of chromium and fluorine in sunflower discs of the 6 counties of Bayannur were lower than thestandard of feed hygiene, and the contents of chromium and fluorine in the sunflower dises from Urad Qianqi and Shuanghe, Linhewere higher.
    A Study on the Growth Performance of Wagyu under Grazing Conditions and the Synchronization Mode with Herbage Growth
    2018, 39(2):  40-40.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.010
    Abstract ( 173 )   PDF (204KB) ( 82 )   Save
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    This experiment aims to explore the growth performance of grazing Wagyu, and the synchronous production mode withherbage growth. The results show that the weight gains of Wagyu at 4-12 months and 12-22 months are slow. The body height ofcattle changes regularly during grazing. The yield of forage is consistent with that of the average daily increase of Wagyu, whichreachs the highest point in September.
    Analysis of Pastures' Nutrition Component in Qinghai Province by Principal Component
    2018, 39(2):  42-42.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.011
    Abstract ( 132 )   PDF (180KB) ( 84 )   Save
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    For study the pastures' nutrition component in Qinghai Province,analysed CP,EE,CF,NFE and Ash by principalcomponent, results showed that composite scores of alpine desert type grassland was highest ,and it was better than others innutrition component.
    Adaptability Evaluation of 9 Alfalfa Varieties in the Fangmaping Meadow in Xingren County of Guizhou Province
    2018, 39(2):  45-45.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.012
    Abstract ( 140 )   PDF (240KB) ( 105 )   Save
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    A field experiment was carried out on 9 alfalfa varieties at home and abroad in the Fangmaping meadow in Xingren,Guizhou, of which the plant height, growth rate, phenologieal period, fresh yield, hay yield and nutrient content were determined.In addition, based on the observation on one growth period of the 9 tested alfalfa varieties, the indexes of overwintering rate, plantheight, regeneration rate, grass yield and fresh/dry ratio were analyzed comprehensively. The results showed that the alfalfavarieties with better performance in Xingren, Guizhou were No. 9 (Duoyewang), No. 2 (CW787) and No. 7 (TG7). Thesevarieties have high yield and strong adaptability in this area, and are suitable for planting and promotion in this area.
    Overview of Research Progress on Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis
    2018, 39(2):  48-48.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.013
    Abstract ( 147 )   PDF (213KB) ( 129 )   Save
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    The biological characteristics, chemical composition, medicinal value, and development and utilization of Iris lacteaPall. var. chinensis are reviewed in this paper, in hoping to provide references for the further understand of the characteristics andapplication value of Iris lactea Pall. var. chinensis.
    Acidityman Influence Factor of Fresh Milk Quality
    2018, 39(2):  51-51.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.014
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    Acidity is one of the most important test items of fresh milk in recent years. The degree of acidity affects the freshnessof fresh milk directly, therefore it affects the quality of fresh milk. In this paper, the reason of the origin, normal range andabnormal acidity of fresh milk are summarized, and the preventive measures are given.
    Analysis of Meteorological Disasters in Typical Horqin Sandy Land in 2017
    2018, 39(2):  59-59.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.016
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    For northern China, 2017 was the year with the most abnormal climate and the most frequent meteorological disastersin the past 50 years. This phenomenon was more obvious in Naiman Banner located on the southern margin of Horqin Sandy, thelargest sandy land in China. In 2017, drought, high temperature, heavy rain and local forest all exceeded the extreme values inmeteorological history, causing huge losses to the local agricultural and forestry production. A comparative analysis was conductedon the abnormal meteorological factors in 2017 and historical data of Naiman Banner so as to provide a theoretical reference foravoiding, mitigating and reducing the losses caused by natural disasters to local agricultural and forestry production.
    Countermeasures and Consideration of Environmental Pollution Control of Large-scale Breeding Sites in Yijinholo County of Inner Mongolia
    2018, 39(2):  63-63.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.017
    Abstract ( 136 )   PDF (202KB) ( 124 )   Save
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    The present situation of environmental pollution control in large-scale breeding sites of Yijinholo, Inner Mongolia is farfrom satisfaction. Targeting at the existing problems, such as unclear responsibility distinction and fund investment andgovernance measures absence, the following suggestions were put forward: establishing the dominant position of agriculture andanimal husbandry industry management department, increasing the support for relevant policies and funds and establishing anenvironment-friendly service network adapted to new types of environmental protection equipment. This study will provide areference for further regulating the waste emissions of livestock and poultry breeding in Yijinholo Banner.
    Analysis on Change Characteristics of Frozen Soil Depth in Ewenke Autonomous Banner of Inner Mongolia
    2018, 39(2):  66-66.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.018
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    The maximum frozen soil depth of the Ewenke area of Inner Mongolia from 1981 to 2010 is analyzed by way ofdescription analysis and cumulative distance. The results show that the maximum frozen soil depth in Ewenke area is 244 cm inaverage; the maximum value (288 cm) appeared in 2010, while the minimum value (222 cm) appeared in 1983; and thedifference between the maximum and minimum is 66 cm. The maximum frozen soil depth is increasing gradually.
    Development and Application of Agricultural Remote Sensing Space Management System in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
    2018, 39(2):  70-70.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.019
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    Based on the core database in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the raster data, vector data, monitoring report,sample photo and other information are logged in the agricultural remote sensing space management system, which are served tobrowse, query, retrieval and spatial analysis according to the data classification level, thus eventually realizing the distributiondisplay of visual map that can show the information of agricultural resources in Inner Mongolia directly and accurately. This paperintroduces the construction of the management system, including the general structure design, functional design, key technologyand system application so as to provide reference for the development and application of relevant application system.
    Overview of the Development of Simmental Industry in Horqin Zuoyi Houqi of Inner Mongolia
    2018, 39(2):  75-75.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.020
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    Horqin Zuoyi Houqi of Inner Mongolia is the core producing area of milk and meat dual-use Simmental cattle in China,where the quality, quantity and comprehensive breeding technology of Simmental cattle took the lead to achieve leapfrogdevelopment, thus promoting the formation of the industrialization pattern of Simmental cattle. In this paper, the basic situation,development characteristics and improvement work, as well as the future development goals of Simmental cattle were introducedso as to provide reference for the healthy development of Simmental cattle industry in Horqin Zuoyi Houqi of Inner Mongolia.
    Current Situation of Chinese Simmental Cows Breeding in Tongliao of Inner Mongolia
    2018, 39(2):  78-78.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.021
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    This paper introduces the current situation of Chinese Sinunental cows breeding in Tongliao of Inner Mongolia,analyzes the existing problems in Chinese Simmental cows breeding, and puts forward some comprehensive measures to improvethe breeding level of cows breeding, in hoping to promote the development of cattle breeding in Tongliao of Inner Mongolia in asustainable manner.
    Exiting Problems and Countermeasures in Large-scale Breeding of Cattle and Sheep
    2018, 39(2):  81-81.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.022
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    Large-scale and standardized livestock breeding emphasizes the intensive breeding mode. It requires a perfect animalepidemic prevention system, scientific feed formulation and strict management. It is highly depended on scientific managementand technology and aims at maximizing the breeding benefit. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the large-scale of cattleand sheep and puts forward some tentative solutions, in hoping to provide references for the practitioner in livestock breeding.
    Exploration and Practice of Teaching Staff Construction of "Double Tutorial Structure" under Modern Apprenticeship Model in Higher Vocational Education
    2018, 39(2):  84-84.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.023
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    The modem apprenticeship mode is a new type of talent cultivation model which is characterized by deep cooperationbetween enterprises and colleges. It is innovatively developed based on the talent training model of traditional vocationaleducation. The talent training quality is of great significance for the construction of teaching staff under modern apprenticeshipmodel. Accordingly, the establishment of teaching staff of "double tutorial structure" with reasonable degree hierarchy, richprofessional knowledge and strong practice innovation ability is the core element for improving the talent cultivation quality.
    Exploration of Modern Apprenticeship Teaching Mode in the Specialty of Sport Horse Domestication and Management reTaking the Vocational and Technical College of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University as an Example
    2018, 39(2):  88-88.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.024
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    As the public focus on equestrian sports is growing currently, the demand from the related enterprises for professionaltalents in the specialty of sport horse domestication and management is also elevating. In order to adapt to the new situation of thesocial demand for talents, combining with specialty characteristics and training objectives, to explore the modem apprenticeshipteaching mode is conducive to meet the demand from enterprises for professional talents and improve the training quality of theequestrian talents. This article mainly introduces the process and experience obtained in the application of modern apprenticeshipteaching mode in the specialty of sport horse domestication and management, and summarizes the measures to ensure thefavorable and orderly implementation of this teaching mode.
    Thinking on the Teaching Staff Training in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Background of Modern Apprenticeship
    2018, 39(2):  92-92.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.025
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    The modem apprenticeship training mode is an effective way to integrate the production and education, to deepen thecombination of practice and study as well as the cooperation between college and enterprise, and to guarantee the high trainingquality of the talents. From the perspective of improving the teaching staff training, some thinking are made regarding the modernapprenticeship, and the countermeasures such as mutual employment and collaborative teaching in enterprise and college are putforward to solve the existing problems of teaching staff in practical teaching activity of the veterinary medicine associatedspecialties.
    Operation and Management of the Production Practice Base for Animal Science Jointly Established by Universities and Enterprises mAn Example of the Cattle Production Practice
    2018, 39(2):  95-95.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.026
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    Animal production practice teaching is an important teaching process to improve the comprehensive quality ofundergraduates in agricultural colleges and universities. Since the cattle production practice base has been established bycooperating with enterprises, we continued to reform and improve the management of this practice base. The scientific andfeasible running mode is established, the teaching connotation of the cattle production practice is enriched, the participation of theundergraduates is enhanced, and the obvious effect of practice teaching is obtained.
    Exploration on Improving the Teaching Method of Veterinary Pharmacology
    2018, 39(2):  103-103.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.028
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    As a basis of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine,veterinary pharmacology is a link communicating preclinicalveterinary medicine and clinical veterinary medicine. The course is composed of theoretical teaching and experimental teaching,and the latter serves as a way to consolidate the basis of the former. As required by the veterinary medicine in vocationaleducation ,this paper explores and improves the teaching methods of veterinary pharmacology so as to inspire students to studyand improve teaching, and build a strong basis on which qualified practical professionals can be developed.
    Progress in Epidemiological Studies of Novel Duck Parvovirus Disease
    2018, 39(2):  106-106.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.029
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    In recent years, duck short beak and dwarfism syndrome (SBDS) caused by novel duck parvovirus (NDPV) began tomassively infect the aquatic birds, such as Cherry Valley ducks and mule ducks, causing serious economic losses. However, thereis no effective treatment for SBDS, as an emerging disease. In this paper, overall epidemiology of SBDS was summarized in thehope of better control of SBDS.
    Exploration and Purification of Pseudorabies in Intensive Pig Farms
    2018, 39(2):  109-109.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2018.02.030
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    In recent years, the outbreak of pseudorabies in intensive pig farms has caused huge losses. This study aims to explorethe epidemic trend of new pseudorabies virus mutant as well as to choose effective prevention and control measures andpseudorabies purification implementation plan to reduce the loss in intensive pig farms. In this paper, the prevention and controltechnology and purification scheme of pseudorabies in intensive pig farms are expounded and analyzed in details in order toprovide technical reference for the farmers.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

