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20 December 2014, Volume Issue 6
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  • IInfluence of Adding Sand on Soil Structure and Ionic Contents of Till Layer of Salinized-Alkalinized Soil
    2014, (6):  1-1. 
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    In order to definitude the effect of doping sand on the soil structure and the salt ions content of the arable layer of salinized-alkalinized lands in Hetao irrigation areas,the field experiments and laboratory analysis were carried out in this study. The results showed that doping sand on arable layer of the salinized-alkalinized lands was benefit to the formation of major diameter soil particles.The capacity of the surface soil from 0 to 40 cm reduced significantly and the porosity of the moderately severe salinized-alkalinized lands became mild after doping sand.The total salt content of 20-40 cm soil layer was little higher than that of 0-20 cm soil layer.The content of Na^+,Mg^2+,Cl^- and SO4^2- of the mild salinized-alkalinized accounted for 41.6%, 26%,50% and 29.5% of the total anion,respectively.The content of Na^+,Ca^2+,Cl^- and SO4^2- of the moderately severe salinized- alkalinized lands accounted for 46.3%,27.5%,37.3% and 30.6% of the total anion, respectively.In severe salinized-alkalinized lands,the content of Na^+,Ca^2+,Cl^- and SO4^2- accounted for 43.3%,37.2%,40.1% and 27.0% of the total anion, respectively.In the moderately severe salinized-alkalinized lands,Ca^2+ has replaced Mg^2+ and become the main ion to lead to salty.The main ions to make the land salty were Na^+, Mg^2+, Cl^- and SO4^2-. It was indicated that mixing sand could improve the soil properties of the arable layer of salinized-alkalinized lands.
    Effects of Cultivation Technology of Whole Plastic-Film Mulching on Salt Accumulation and Yield of Sunflower
    2014, (6):  5-5. 
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    Using whole plastic-film mulching and half plastic-film mulching technology, the inhibition salinity,raise emergence rate and yield of field experiment of sunflower were conducted in Inner Mongolia Hetao irrigation district. The results strawed that the desalting rate of whole plastic-film mulching more than no plastic-film mulching by 44.1% in the top layer soil of moderately severe saline-alkali land with salt content was 3.5-6.0 g/kg,compared with traditional half plastic-film mulching, its desalination rate increased by 14.2 percentage point. At the same time, compared with no and half film mulching ,the sunflower germination rate increased by 45.6 and 17.7 percentage point respectively, and yield increased by 183.3% and 67.0% respectively, which was an effective technology for further improving use efficiency and crop yield rate in the saline-alkali land.
    Analysis of the Differences between Different Oat Varieties Yield and Quality
    2014, (6):  7-7. 
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    The growth characteristic and production capability of 10 varieties of oat in Hohhot,Inner Mongolia region were analyzed. The results showed that: the growth period of 10 oat varieties were shorter than others, and appropriately planted in this region. Dayanmai had the shortest growth period, the yield of Victory record, the protein content of Emin oat and Youmai, the fat content of Cend2Tomna were significantly higher than other varieties. The nine traits of ten varieties were analyzed with the correlation analysis, the results showed that: the plant height was positively correlated with spike round, negatively correlated with grain yield per plant; the number of main spike was negatively correlated with grain weight per plant; the tiller number and grain yield per plant was positively correlated with the yield.
    Analysis of Karyotyping of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
    2014, (6):  9-9. 
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    Chromosome karyotype analysis of flax varieties C-H-89 was made by the method of tablet. Results showed that C- H-89 varieties was diploid, and contained 15 pairs of chromosomes. Its karyotype formula was n=2x2=30m+4=26 sm. Karyotype classification was the type of "2 B".The length ratio of the chromosome was 2.23, Chromosome arm index values was NF=60, Karyotype asymmetry coefficient was 56.66%.
    Application of Similarity-Difference Analysis Method in Germplasm Resources Evaluation of Sunflower
    2014, (6):  11-11. 
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    In this study, the multiple traits of 21 confectionary sunflower's inbred lines were comprehensively evaluated by using similarity-difference analysis method. The results showed that 8 of the 21 confeetionary sunflower's inbred lines behaved well and could be used as the key inbred lines for the further research. Seven of the 21 confectionary sunflower's inbred lines performed commonly and could be kept in the field for observation. Six of the 21 confectionary sunflower's inbred lines with poor performance were eliminated from the breeding program. It was indicated that the similarity-difference analysis method was comprehensive and objective in the germplasm resources evaluation of sunflower's inbred lines.
    Study on Red Kidney Bean - Patato Intercropping Pattern
    2014, (6):  15-15. 
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    In order to make full use of the land resources, increase the output value per unit area and peasants' income and to obtain the highest grain yields with maximum economic benefits, the intereropping patterns of red kidney bean - patato was investigated in this study. The significant differences of compound yield of red kidney bean and patato between varied intercropping patterns were observed. The highest economic benefit was obtained when red kidney bean and potato were intereropped in the pattern of 2:2, with the yield of 79.6 kg/667m^2 and 1 126.3 kg/667m^2 respectively and the output value of 961.2 CNY/667m^2.
    Linear Programming and Optional Distribution of the Forest Resources from Counties in Chuzhou Based on Remote Sensing
    2014, (6):  20-20. 
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    Forest resources are one of the best important type of the land cover. It related to standing and ecological effect from forest resources in the social, economics, culture and environment. It is very important to optimize the distribution of forest resource for water and soil conservation on the regional scale based on remote sensing images and mathematical methods. In this study, two periods (2000 and 2006) of TM remote sensing images with similar temporal phase were selected as the basic data sources. The supervised classification was used for classification, statistics, verification and analysis of the forest resources with the AHP and the optional distribution method. The results indicated that the forest resources spatial distribution was extremely uneven in Dingyuan, Fengyang,Laian,and Tianchang,their needs should be increased by 476.74km^2,255.41km^2,162.76km^2,263.49km^2. Therefore, the appropriate increase of farmland shelterbelt construction is conducive to the harmonious development of agriculture and forestry ecological county.
    Research on the Preparation Process of Low Viscosity Sodium Alginate
    2014, (6):  23-23. 
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    In this study, the single-factor experiment was used to analysis the viscosity change rule of sodium alginate aqueous solution under different conditions of temperature, pH, reaction time. Then the orthogonal experiments were used to optimize the conditions of the preparation of low viscosity sodium alginate. By analysis of variance, the best conditions for preparation of low viscosity sodium alginate was:65℃,pH=2.5,and the reaction time was 8 hours. By spray drying technology, the liquid ultra-low viscosity sodium alginate was made into solid powder.
    Comparison Two kinds of Determination Method of Soil Alkaline Hydrolysis Nitrogen
    2014, (6):  25-25. 
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    The soil alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content was determined generally using alkali solution diffusion absorption in the past, this research was aim to use Germany's GERHARD kjeldahl nitrogen determination of distillation soil alkaline hydrolysi, and improve kjeldahl nitrogen determination distillation, the appropriate time and distillation efficiency was determined, compared with the traditional alkali solution diffusion method, the measured results more accurate, higher intensity, and easy to operate, to save time. It provided a rapid,accurate and efficient measurement method for determination the soil alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content.
    Saline-alkali Soil Sugar Beet Planting and Fertilization
    2014, (6):  29-29. 
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    According to the second data of land census, there are 819 000 hm2 saline-alkali soil,wasteland and arable land in the east part of Inner Mongolia.It can develop planting sugar beet production to promote sugar industrial development.Through research and analysis,after referencing to foreign research on the amount of sugar beet's nutrient absorption and remove,I propose a adjustment made N:P2O5=1:0.375-0.4 to 1:1.2,the amount of K2O and MgO administering should be 1/3 of the amount of absorption and remove,Zn should be fertilized according to the soil content appropriately.Mn and B should be fertilized according to amount of absorption and remove,on the basis of organic fertilizer, reference fertilization program.
    Calibration Test of Corn Formula Fertilizer in Ru HeChuan District
    2014, (6):  34-34. 
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    NongJin and agricultural materials company in Ningxia provided three base type formula, including of fertilizer synergist or 25% (15-10-0),base with universal formula fat 25% (18-7-0),humic acid fertilizer formula 30% (15-10-9-HA5) for correction, which suited Ru HeChuan District corn fertilizer synergist. Test results showed that the base formula had highest yield weight at 705.0kg/kg/667m^2,the second yield of humic acid fertilizer formula at 694.Skg/667m^2,through the formula of accuracy test, base universal formula fertilizer yield was minimum, but had benefit soil fertility.
    Effect of Duoshengxin Water Soluble Fertilizer Combined with Qihua Formula Fertilizer for Film Mulching Potato Yield
    2014, (6):  36-36. 
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    By potato film mulching with drip irrigation test results, with the Duoshengxin water soluble fertilizer and JiHua formula fertilizer variety of combination, when combination with Duoshengxin water soluble fertilizer 30kg/667m^2, topdressing four times, and Qihua formula weight 50kg/667m^2 one-time to fertilize, it had the highest yield. When combination with Duoshengxin water soluble fertilizer 50kg/667m^2,four points topdressing,JiHua as base fertilizer 20kg/667m^2, one-time to fertilize, its big potato rate was highest.
    Survey and Control and Prevention Strategy of Pests and Diseases of Economic Crops in Bayannur
    2014, (6):  50-50. 
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    Economic crops play an extremely important role in the development of agricuhural industry of Bayannur. However, the great changes in species, area, distribution and planting model of economic crops in recent years had led to the changes of damage pattern from pests and diseases. Some of the newly emerged pests and diseases have already brought serious damages in this region. In order to effectively control the damage, guarantee the safe production of economic crops, especially the grain, oil crops, melons and vegetables, and provide a reliable basis for plant protection, a large scale survey on the current situation of damage on 13 varieties of the economic crops from pests and diseases in Bayannur were carried out from 2011 to 2012. The results showed that a total of 48 diseases and pests were found and 10 of them were systematically observed, and the occurrence regularity of them was preliminarily elucidated.
    The Occurrence and Prevention Strategies of the "Four Bests and Two Diseases" of Apple-pear in Bayannur
    2014, (6):  52-52. 
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    Pests and diseases significantly affect the quality and economic benefit of apple-pear in Bayannur. To effectively control the damage, a field survey was conducted in 2013 with the purpose to reduce the use of pesticides and the residue on the surface of fruit, to meet the hygiene standards of green food, and to bring the city's natural advantage into full play. The main species affecting fruit production were the "four pests and two diseases", which pests were aphids, spider mites, moth and pear psylla, and diseases were rot disease and leaf amargin dieback. With a systematical observation, we managed to find out the occurrence regularity of those pests and diseases.
    Contact Toxicity of 12 Kinds of PE Insect-Resistant Film against Tribolium castaneum
    2014, (6):  56-56. 
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    In this study, the contact toxicity of 12 kinds of PE insect-resistant film provided by Tianjin university of science and technology against Tribolium castaneum, the main stored-grain pests, were evaluated under the conditions of 25℃, relative humidity of 70%. All of the tested insect-resistant film showed favorable contact toxicity against Tribolium castaneum. The contact toxicity rate of the combination of tetramethrin, capsaicin and malathion (1-2 and 1-3) and the combination of "Baoliang'an", capsaicin and carbarvl in 70 h were all 70%, and they were 90% in 80 h.
    Diagnostic Analysis of Vertical Helicity of A Severe Sandstorm in Midwestern region of Inner Mongolia
    2014, (6):  60-60. 
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    Based on the conventional observation data from automatic weather station and NCEP reanalysis data, the vertical helicity of a severe sandstorm occurred on Mar 19th in 2010 over the middle west region of Inner Mongolia was diagnostically analyzed. The results showed that during the sandstorm the helieity, an obvious "negative above positive below" structure was observed, and this structure appeared at the same time as strong sandstorm occurred. Following the range extension and height elevated of positive helicity, the sandstorm gradually became stronger. The corresponding relation between the evolution of negative helicity at high level and appearance of the sandstorm was also observed in this study. Diagnostic analysis might be helpful for the dust storms forecast.
    Climatic Characteristic and Trend of Rainstorm Days in Inner Mongolia in Recent 40 Years
    2014, (6):  64-64. 
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    Based on the daily rainfall data from 119 meteorological stations in Inner Mongolia region from 1971 to 2008, the climatic characteristic of rainstorm days was demonstrated by trend analysis, power spectrum analysis, wavelet analysis and mann-kendall test. A spatial distribution characteristic that the number of rainstorm days decreasing from southeast to northwest in the Inner Mongolia was observed and rainstorm days with higher amount of rainfall were found to frequently appear around the middle of July, the end of July and the beginning of August. There was the main period of 10 years and the secondary period of about 3 years of the rainstorm days. A mutation of the rainstorm days around the year of 1998 was encountered, and the average rainstorm days from 1979 to 2008 is 17.1 day shorter than that from 1971 to 1998.
    Analysis of Local Rainstorm Process Caused by the Cold Vortex of Baikal Lake
    2014, (6):  68-68. 
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    By means of comprehensive analysis of the main weather situation, effecting system, physical fields quantity, satellite cloud image and radar echo evolution of rainstorm weather process in the summer of 2012, it concluded that the key to local heavy rain was eastward shift and deep and slow moving of Lake Baikal cold vortex;The existence of low level jet stream was the role of increasing precipitation; the windward slope water vapor convergence caused rainstorm weather because of the Greater Khingan Range terrain blocking.
    Key Points of Breeding and Cultivation Technique for Sorghum Hybrid Tongza130
    2014, (6):  71-71. 
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    Tongza130 is sorghum hybrid breeding of Agricultural Science Research Institute of Tongliao, It was crossed by the self-sterile line-zhe18A as female parent, self-restorer Zhehui 56 as male parent, And approved by the Inner Mongolia variety approval committee in 2012. It was stood out at all levels of testing and nearly two years of large-scale production and application, it has high yield, stability, disease resistance, drought resistance and wide adaptability etc, Especially in plant height lodging resistance, and suitable for mechanical planting scale.
    Quality Analysis of New Peanut Cultivars in Farming-Pastoral Zone in Tongliao
    2014, (6):  73-73. 
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    In order to demonstrate the feasibility of developing the peanut planting industry in farming-pastoral zone in tongliao and to screen the new peanut cultivars suitable to plant in this region, the quality evaluation of selected new peanut cuhivars was carried out in Kezuozhong and Naiman county from 2012 to 2013.
    Happened In The Whole Membrane Double Ditch Planting Corn Cultivation Technology Procedures
    2014, (6):  78-78. 
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    Pengyang county is located in the semi-arid region,has a long history of planting grain,feeding combination crops of corn, planting area of 300000 mu,with complex topography and climate conditions in season, a job,land,soil type,soil nutrient content lower production status.Therefore, membrane double ditch planting cultivation techniques used standardized cultivation is to improve the fertilizer,water, medicine is an effective means of comprehensive utilization.Generally think sowing date in April mid-march:the average annual rainfall in the range of 250~250 mm mu planting density of 2500-4500 strains,planting jade first in 335,such as 5485 varieties, and determine the target output in the range of 600-800kg fertilization recommendations,three Suggestions as basal fertilization scheme should adjust measures to local conditions to choose to use,flexible application period, quantity,soil science,applying pesticide foliar spray with top dressing,county plastic-film corn for increasing efficiency.
    Technology of Re-Cultivating of Broccoli after Barley and Double-Season Cultivation in Hetao Area
    2014, (6):  81-81. 
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    Based on the early maturity characteristics of broccoli and barley, the technology of re-cultivating of broccoli after barley and double-season cultivation in Hetao area was studied. The latter crop was cultivated by seedling-raising and both of the crops could normally mature. Under the developed cultivation pattern, the yield of barley was 385kg/667m^2 and the yield of broccoli could reach 1 320kg/667m^2, which could produce more than 4 000 CNY/667m^2. The cultivation technology developed in this study is of great developmental prospect.
    The High Quality and Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Processing Tomato in Hetao Area
    2014, (6):  84-84. 
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    Tomato is suitably planted in Hetao, and it is the second largest area in our country. Though investigation about processing tomato's cultivation methods, field management, disease and pest control, etc, a quality and efficient cultivation techniques in Hetao was summarized, which included in choosing field and soil preparation, fertilize, choosing nice varieties , using different plant technique, imposing field management and harvest in right time.
    Introduction Experiment of Zucchini Varieties
    2014, (6):  85-85. 
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    The contrast test of the 11 zucchini varieties introduced was randomized block designed and conducted to evaluate their yield, quality characters and market recognition. The variety of Dongmei of Jingdongyu was recommended in this study.
    Current Situation, Existing Issues and Countermeasures of Potato Industry in Ulanqab
    2014, (6):  92-92. 
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    Potato is one of the superior crops in Ulanqab region, potato planting has become the leading and pillar industry of Ulanqab in recent years. In order to provide some novel ideas for promoting the development of potato industry, the current situation and main restricted factors of potato planting industry in Ulanqab were analyzed and the countermeasures were also proposed in this paper.
    Cause Investigation of the Bad Growth Vigor of Pinus Bungeana in Baotou and Its Countermeasures
    2014, (6):  97-97. 
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    In recent years, the bad growth vigor of Pinus bungeana planted in the botanical garden, square and parks in Baotou city was commonly observed and some of them even died gradually in individual year. Based on the comprehensive survey of the growth vigor of Pinus bungeana in Baotou city, the reasons caused the bad growth vigor and deaths of Pinus bungeana were analyzed and the protective measures were also proposed. This study may provide some foundation for the protection of Pinus Bungeana in Baotou.
    Practice and Thoughts about Constructing Inner Mongolia Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation Service System--Taking Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Science as an Example
    2014, (6):  99-99. 
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    Recent science and technology achievements of Inner Mongolia Academy of Agriculture & Animal Husbandry Science were analyzed in this paper, also discussed on the practice and experiments, the suggestions for agricultural science and technology innovation work were put forward in the future from the view of scientific development, in order to provide a solid scientific and technological support for modem agricultural development, further enhance the technology service for agriculture, rural areas and farmer, for the development of modem agriculture industry to strengthen the construction of innovation platform of science and technology, deepen cooperation and communication of science and technology, continue to accelerate the construction of innovative talent team, backed by providing advice for agricultural science and technology innovation.
    The Research Progress of Seed Character in Castor
    2014, (6):  102-102. 
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    Recently,due to a high demand for castor bean,seed character was achieved more concern and research.In this study, we reviewed the related research in castorbean traits,including seed sizes (the length of seed, one hundred seeds,and seed volume-weight),morphology (color, pattern, and shape),ehemical composition (protein and fatty acid content),and the correlation between seed size and oil content.
    Research Progress on Volatile Flavor Compounds of Nanjing Water Boiled Salted Duck
    2014, (6):  105-105. 
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    Nanjing water boiled salted duck is known for its unique flavor and nutrition value.Volatile flavor compounds, such as lipids and its degradation products, play an important role in formation of the characteristic flavor. This paper reviewed the research development of characteristic aroma compounds of Nanjing water boiled salted duck from the three followed aspects, the determination methods of volatile flavor compounds,the main volatile flavor compounds and the effects of different processing on flavor compounds.
    Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Agricultural Environment in Hulun Bulr
    2014, (6):  114-114. 
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    Agro-ecological environmental protection plays an extremely important role in sustainable development of Chinese modern agriculture. Currently, some natural and human factors have caused the destruction of agrieuhural ecological environment, which pose a great threat to the development of society and economy of China. To improve the agricultural ecological environment of Hulun Buir city, based on the official data and variation characteristics of sown area of the crops, total grain yield and the application quantity of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and agricultural plastic film in recent years, the trends of agriculture production pattern, fertilizer utilization efficiency as well as the agricultural environment status were pointed, and the specific factors caused the agricultural environment pollution were analyzed. The specific measures to protect the agricultural environment of Hulun Buir city were also proposed in this paper.
    Analysis of Rural Land Contract Disputes under the New Situation with Bayannur City as an Example
    2014, (6):  117-117. 
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    In this paper, through analysis of the present situation of rural land dispute and summarize the basic types of land contract disputes, the exist problems in the rural land contract disputes were pointed out, the ideas and the key measures to the next step of work were also put forward.
    The Development Situation of Facilities Vegetable in ChiFeng
    2014, (6):  122-122. 
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    Through in-depth investigation and analysis, the vegetable production facilities status of Chifeng city was deeply described.Which can offer the relevant policies for local government, in order to offer the reference for the healthy,stable and sustainable development of facilities vegetable in Chifeng city and sell to.
    Current Situation Purchase and Pre-inspection of Tobacco Leaf in Household in Songshan District of Chifeng City and its Countermeasures
    2014, (6):  128-128. 
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    Based on the current situation of purchase and pre-inspection of tobacco leaf in household in Songshan District of Chifeng city, the existing problems and their reasons were analyzed and the improvement measures and management advice were also proposed in this paper.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China