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20 June 2014, Volume Issue 3
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  • The Relationship between Fairness and Efficiency of Rural Land Management Transformation Way
    2014, (3):  1-1. 
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    The process of transformation of land management in rural china,the fairness and efficiency are an couple of contradictions, both opposition and unity, which were analyzed in this article. During the early stage of reform and opening-up, Land management of household contract responsibility system achieved a unity of fairness and efficiency.But with rural productivity,rnral economic and social development and change,the proposal was put forward to try to achieve a unity of fairness and efficiency of transformation of land management in rural.First,the relationship must be dealed with between the transformation of land management and rural collective ownership.Second,moderate operation of scale and rural labor force shifting orderly.Third, farmers voluntarily and policy guidance.
    Analysis of China Food Security Situation and Countermeasures
    2014, (3):  2-2. 
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    Constantly malignant food safety incidents enable the consumers more and more worried about whether buying or eating the safety food,also led to China's food security situation becoming increasing severer.The current situation of food safety was briefly described, the causes of the occurrence food safety incidents analyzed, and countermeasures were put forward to improve the current food safety situation.
    Establishing of Regeneration System in Buckwheat Cotyledon Node
    2014, (3):  7-7. 
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    Using buckwheat cotyledon node as the research object, its optimum conditions of regeneration was aimed to grope, to establish buckwheat regeneration system and lay the foundation for the research of transgenic buckwheat. The results showed that the best disinfection conditions was 0.1% HgCl2 for 1.Omin and 30g/L suerose+7.5g/L agar medium on peeled buckwheat seeds, the best culture medium for cotyledon node induce buds was MS+2.5mg/L6-BA+ 0.05mg/LNAA+30g/L sucrose+7.5g/L agar and the best culture medium for buds to induce roots was 1/4MS+2.0mg/L6-BA+ 0.05mg/LNAA+30g/L sucrose+7.5g/L agar.
    Study on the Characteristics of Pollen Viability in Different Varieties of Ricinus communis
    2014, (3):  10-10. 
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    Taking four varieties of Ricinus communis that were Zhongbei No.3, Jinchangcheng No.5, Fenbi No.1 and Xiubi No.1 as materials to research the correlation between pollen viability with temperature, storage humidity and acquisition time, the results showed that the most suitable temperature for castor pollen germination was 30-35%, and the pollen germination rate reached 75.12%-80.24%; The strongest time of pollen germination in one day was in 8:00 to 14:00, and the pollen germination rate reached 81.35%-90.18%; The optimum humidity for pollen collection and storage was 45%-55%, and the pollen germination rate reached 84.03%-88.01%.
    Establishment of Regeneration System of Hybrid F1 of Elymus sibiricus×E.purpuraristatus
    2014, (3):  12-12. 
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    In this study, with the young spikes (2-3cm) of hybrid F1 of Elymus scibiricus × E.purpuraristatus as explants and MS as basic medium, the effects of 4 kinds of hormones (2,4-D,6- BA,NAA and IBA) on callus induction, plantlet differentiation and rooting were studied. The optimal medium for callus induction of hybrid F1 was MS+2,4-D 2.0mg/L, with the induction rate of 63.3%;The optimal medium for plantlets differentiation was MS+6-BA 2.0mg/L+NAA 0.4mg/L,with the induction rate of 75%. The optimal medium for rooting was MS+IBA 0.5 mg/L, with the induction rate of 90%;and the regenerated plant was obtained after acclimatization and transplanting. This regeneration system provides conditions for the following colchicin-induced chromosome doubhng, and ultimately overcoming its sterility to create new grass germplasm resource.
    Discussion of Research Advances of Tissue Culture in Legume
    2014, (3):  15-15. 
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    Legumes are an important source of human food starch, protein, oil and vegetable, play a very important role in agriculture and animal husbandry, the research situation in leguminous plant tissue culture was reviewed , and its development trend was prospected.
    Study on Increasing Yield for Maize Hybrids Interplanting
    2014, (3):  17-17. 
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    The test of increase yield was conducted by two different genotype and phenotype single-cross varieties interplanted at 2:2and 4:4. The results showed that the different maize varieties could significantly increase yield, but the increase rate of different varieties had different range, there increase yield of three combination of test was in 4.56 %-8.06 % . Analysis of factors on yield suggested that Hundred-grain weight and grain number of spike increased were two major factors of reasonable interplanting.
    Analysis of Drought Tolerance of Early Maize in Adult Period
    2014, (3):  18-18. 
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    Using 4 introduced maize inbred lines as female parent, 6 early optional maize inbred lines as male, 24 hybrid combination was prepared by using NC 11 incomplete biserial hybrid design, with Jindan No.32, and its parents 84-108-1, Mo17 as control varieties, drought tolerance of adult period of form indicators traits, and production traits, and growing period traits of 24 maize hybrids and parents were compared and evaluated to select integrated highly-resistant maize hybrids and their parental inbred material.The results showed the 05-20-11 and Mo17 belonged to very strong drought-resistance of inbred lines; 05-20-9 and 3259 belonged to strong drought-resistance of inbred lines; 3259×05-13-2, early 214×05-13-2, 3259×08-17-2 were extremely drought-resistant hybrids; 3259×05-20-9, early 214×05-20-9, self-209~05-13-2, self-209×09-5-19 were strong drought-resistant hybrids.
    Analysis of Combining Ability Genetic Parameters of Inbred Lines with Four Testers in Maize
    2014, (3):  21-21. 
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    In this experiment,four maize inbred lines were crossed with four testers(chang7-2,zheng58,PH4CV and PH6WC).GCA (general combining ability),SCA (special combining ability) and population genetic parameters ,were investigated in 7 Characters of yield in maize. The results showed that the hybrids (one of parents was C50-5-14) were relatively easy access to high-yield combination, and proper plant height and shape. Three hybrid combinations (C50-5-14×PH4CV,C50-5-14×Chang7-2,C50-5- 14×Zheng 58) were of higher grain yield and smaller plant height,which could be improved good variety.
    Effect on the Yield and Agronomic Traits in Millet Varieties with Different Spacing and Different Densities
    2014, (3):  24-24. 
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    Based on the normal production of broomcom millet spacing 30cm, density of seedling 70000/667m2 as control, research of broomcom millet in different wide spacing treatments, Keeping a full stand at 30000/667m2 plant of sparse sowing density, whether it can improve the propagation coefficient of its yield, for trying to find a better row spacing treatments, resulting in actual production application of broomcorn millet in order to replace the conventional narrow spacing and high planting density, as a result, broomcom millet could be popularized and applied of the large area in the actual production.
    Study on Cultivation Techniques of Welsh Onion Sowed in Spring
    2014, (3):  26-26. 
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    Welsh onion sowed in spring was studied from 2009 to 2013.The results showed that this welsh onion should be sowed in greenhouse in early spring.The earlier it planted in field,the more nutrient accumulated in plant.And the single plant weight, pseudo stem length and yield increased higher.The proper density was 17000-15500 plants per 667m2.The better way for seed reproduction was that sowed in greenhouse from the middle of September to the middle of November,planted in next spring,and bolting rate and seed yield were optimal.
    Study on Seed Germination Characteristics of Six Flowers
    2014, (3):  28-28. 
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    The germination characteristics at different temperatures and different illuminations in Agrostemma githago L.,Diauthus barbatus,Dianthus Chinensis ,Silene armeria, Silene pendula and Salvia farinaeea was analyzed .The results showed that seed germination rate, germination vigour and germination index under Oh and 12h light conditions were significantly higher than that under 24h light condition in A.githogo L.,D.barbatus, D.Chinensis, S.armeria and S.farinacea; germination rate, germination vigour and germination index under 12h light condition were significantly higher than that under other treatments for S.pendula. Germination rate,germination vigour and germination index of seeds were higher at temperature of 15℃-25℃ in A. githago L.,D. barbatus,D.Chinensis,S.armeria,S.pendula and S.farinacea, and they were relatively lower at temperature higher than 25; Germination rate, the germination vigour and germination index of S.pendula were significantly reduced at temperature higher than 20℃.
    Correlation and Path Analysis about Yield Component Factors of Seed-used Watermelon
    2014, (3):  31-31. 
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    In this paper,27 edible seed watermelon varieties were used as the materials,which from Inner Mongolia,Xinjiang,Gansu province and Guangdong province.The single melon seed production and other major production factors were mainly studied in this research, Among other major production factors,there were length of fruit,width of fruit,weight of single fruit,seeds of single fruit,seed length seed width,seed thickness and 100-seed weight.The correlation,path and regression analysis were made in this experiment, and the result showed that correlation between seeds with watermelon single melon seed production and most of the other the yield characters were very closely. But the path analysis showed that there was an influence on the single melon production of seed directly which was seeds of single fruit,weight of single fruit and 100-seed weight. While other factors just existed the indirect effect on seed yield single fruit through the above three major factors.When other yield factors remained the same level,it was effective to increase the seed yield of single fruit by adding seeds of single fruit,100-seed weight and weight of single fruit.The average shape index of seed watermelon shape index was between 0.49 and 1.13,the relationship between the fruit shape index and seed yield showed the seed yield of single fruit increased firstly and then decreased with increasing fruit shape index,and when the fruit shape index was 1.04,seed yield of single fruit reached the most.
    Physiological Responses of Different Leaves of Begonia semperflorens to Plumbum Stress in Soil
    2014, (3):  35-35. 
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    To understand the physiological responses of different leaves of Begonia sempeflorens to Pb stress, the effects of different soil Pb concentrations on the activities of physiological characteristics in different leaves were studied in a pot experiment with different Pb treatments. The results showed that under Pb stress, the SOD and CAT and POD activity increased firstly and then decreased; POD activity and cell membrane relative permeability and malondialdehyde (MDA) increased gradually along with soil drought stress proceeding. The response of fresh leaves to soil Pb stress was more sensitive than that of old leaves and mature leaves.
    Corresponding Standard of Interval Comparison Method Experimental Design for Regional Preparation Test
    2014, (3):  38-38. 
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    The method of interval comparison result analysis including of adjacent standard method, the standard method and the corresponding adjacent standard. The corresponding standard method of analysis was discussed in this paper, the fertility of gradient and corresponding calculation formula and the analysis method were put forward. The reasons of this analysis method can reduce and avoid the test errors were discussed and analyzed, the relationship between the three methods analyzed, as well as the implementation of many standard. Therefore, corresponding standard to improve regional test analysis method should be used.
    Effect of the Running Water Cage Culture to Freshwater Fish Water Environment
    2014, (3):  40-40. 
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    The running water cage culture of freshwater fish water environment, water cage culture model of water quality, algae and fecal residue were researched, the results showed that the water floating cage culture model could effectively reduce the contens of N,P, and the solid-state forms of freshwater fish breeding water environment, and could effectively reduce the stool eluvial speed, then accelerating the purification of the water environment. It told us that running water cage culture was an advanced modern freshwater fish breeding patterns, and provided a reference for further research and extension of running water cage culture.
    Comparison Experiment for Different Color of Film and Different Mulching Methods of Dry Land Potato
    2014, (3):  43-43. 
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    The result of the study of plastic films with different color and different ways showed that the amount of maize yield of the half covered was higher than that of the fully covered in case of more rainfall, the amount of maize yield of the black plastic film mulched was higher than white plastic film mulched, and among all the different mulched ways, the amount of the maize yield that was the highest in the field that was mulched with black plastic film half covered, reaching at 2465.88kg/667m2, and at 408.29kg/667m2 higher than that mulched with no plastic film, with an increase of 19.84%.The increase by mulching the filed with black plastic film was significant, and this way could be promoted in large area of semiarid Ulanqab and the surrounding areas with similar climate.
    Analysis of High Yield and High Quality Factors of the Cultivation of Grapes in Greenhouse
    2014, (3):  46-46. 
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    The rapid development of facility agriculture promoted diversification of planting industry in alpine region. Grape industry because of kinds of variety, long industrial chain, high market efficiency, has a particularly development prospect, the grape cultivation of greenhouse in several counties of Datong area were investigated, comparative analysis of constitute the quality factors of high yield, the result showed that greenhouse cultivation was certain superior.
    Effects of Different Inoculums on Biogas Methane Content Under the Condition of Low Temperature
    2014, (3):  47-47. 
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    Choosing suitable biogas inoculum is an effective way to improve the methane content,the fresh cow dung and dry weeds as the substrate, four kinds of inoculum were inoculated and incubated at 4℃ for researching different inoculum effect on biogas methane content.The results showed that the highest methane content was 52.66% and 48.04% in aerogenesis respectively inoculated Gen river mud samples grouped A and Huolin river mud samples grouped B, the highest methane content was 14.45% inoculated group C biogas slurry at cold acclimation; the highest methane content was 20.08% inoculated group D biogas slurry with activated carbons at cold acclimation; Different biogas inoculums had significant effect on the methane content.
    Study on Cutting Head Vertical Pressure Mechanism of Reciprocating Shearing Machine
    2014, (3):  49-49. 
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    In this paper, the shearing machine pressure formation of pressurization mechanism was described, the mechanism of vertical pressure was analyzed, and the theory of vertical pressure was put forward to provide theory basis for design, process improvement of the shearing machine cutting head.
    Study on NPK Fertilizer Efficiency on Sprinkler Irrigation Maize
    2014, (3):  51-51. 
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    To investigate the balanced applying NPK fertilizer on maize under sprinkling irrigation condition, the three years field experiments were carried out. The results showed that the maize yield was increased remarkble by applying fertilizer, N〉P〉K. The best economy fertilizer rate N-P2O5-K2O at 15.2-6.4-4.9kg/667m2for maize. The nutrient use efficiency of N,P2O5, K2O was 36.3%, 18.6% and 49.9% respectively. It was confirmed that was to produce 100 kg corn seed needed to absorb the N, PzO5 and K20 were 2.08 kg,0.69 kg and 0.69kg.
    Study on Harvested Rainwater in Keeping a Full Stand of Seedlings and Irrigation Schedule for Maize in Loess Hilly Plateau
    2014, (3):  54-54. 
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    Based on the harvested rainwater technology and engineering facilities, adopted the method of limited supplemental irrigation, the effects of different watering volume, different supplemental irrigation quota, and supplemental irrigation at different growth periods on maize seedling emergence and growth, and effect of yield and water use efficiency were studied for characteristics of less precipitation and uneven spatial and temporal distribution in Loess hilly plateau. Tile research revealed that:(1) when the relative water content of 0-10cm soil was below 24% no watering seeding without seedling emergence, when it was more than 24%, the seedling was emerged, but the rate of seedling emergence was very low, only 20%-21%.(2)In different conditions of soil relative water content, watering 100ml,200ml,300ml,the rate of seedling emergence can be over 90%,and with the increasing of watering volume, seedling was more vigorous.(3) Under the rainfall conditions of this year, the most reasonable volume of filling water was 5m3/667m2. (4) In situation of the limited water volume, the effect of increasing yield was more obvious with supplemental water at maize jointing stage than filling stage.
    Effect of Applying Fertilizer on Grain Protein and Mineral Nutrient of Spring Wheat Kernel
    2014, (3):  58-58. 
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    Using the method of field experiment, the effects of applying fertilizer on the crude protein and mineral nutrient of spring wheat kernel was studied. The results showed that applying DAP increased the content of the crude protein, P, and Zn; Spraying zinc fertilizer reduced the content of Ca and Mg and improved the content of Cu and Zn; Spraying selenium fertilizer improved the content of Se; Spraying zinc selenium mixed fertilizer improved the content of Se and reduced the content of the P, Mg.
    Application of Common Plant Nutrients of Grapes
    2014, (3):  63-63. 
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    The grape is a kind of nutritional condition sensitive trees.Adequate fertilizer,plant grows hale,can significantly improve the yield and quality.Correct diagnosis of grape nutrition, rational fertilization on grape production yield,quality and economic efficiency are closely related.This experiment with two varieties of four annual grape as test materials,using foliar spraying method,study on several kinds of plant nutrient on grape growth.The results showed that the effect of several plant nutrients on mature grape branches and improve fruit quality aspects; the average grain weight higher than the contrast by 7.18%,and the average sugar content increased by 4.59% .The plant nutrients could significantly improve grape fruit quality and production value,spraying nutrients could improve fruit set,increased single grain weight and yield,early coloring and increase the value of the goods.
    Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer on Tomato Yield
    2014, (3):  66-66. 
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    In order to find out the tomato optimum quantity of organic fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer, using two factors in a randomized complete block design,the yield dynamics under different nitrogen fertilization was studied.The result showed that yield dynamics was different in different treatment, the tomato yield was high in the N2 treatment under high organic, and the highest yield and better economic benefits were obtained in spring eve.
    Effect on Humic Acid Bacterial Fertilizer to Sorghum Growth and development
    2014, (3):  68-68. 
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    Screening of actinomycetes strains AG7 with weathered coal the reaction to improve free humic acid content in weathered coal for preparing a humic acid fertilizer. With humic acid increase rate to determine the optimal culture conditions, including of cultivation temperature for 28℃ ,mixture of initial pH value for 6,the training speed for 160 r/min. Under the optimal culture conditions, different proportions of the weathered coal and bacterium fluid, preliminarily determine the proportion of improve humic acid 250g/500ml (weathered coal/bacteria liquid). With preliminary got humic acid fertilizer and chemical weathering coal and humic acid fertilizer sold on the market, plant growth of contrast test was conducted, to research of its stimulation on plant growth, examine the different humic acid fertilizer on the sorghum seeds germination rate, plant height and fresh weight. Experimental results showed that humic acid bacterial fertilizer under the suitable concentration, on the sorghum seeds germination and growth had a certain role in promoting.
    Speed Up the Process of the Integration of Water and Fertilizer and Improve the Level of Fertigation
    2014, (3):  71-71. 
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    The integration of water and fertilizer is to dissolve the fertilizer in the water by using the irrigation pipeline, making it possible to irrigate and fertilize at the same time. It can meet the crop demand to water and nutrients at a proper time and in proper amount. In order to speed up the process of the integration of water and fertilizer and its popularization in Xinlingol, the history of farm irrigation and fertilization were reviewed in this paper, and the application status and problems of current integration of water and fertilizer analyzed and suggestion given on how to improve the level of fertigation.
    Research on Water Soluble Trace Element Fertilizer on Rapeseed
    2014, (3):  75-75. 
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    The water soluble trace element fertilizer application result in rapeseed production was studied in this paper,the results showed that spraying "surplus feng" brand water-soluble rape special trace element fertilizer 200 times,300 times,400 times liquid, match with the conventional fertilization, it got some effect on improving the rape plant resistance, barren flowers,brassica napus and increasing output per unit area,it make an 1.52%-7.53% increase in the rape yield and 496.50yuan/hm2 in income; Considering the comprehensive cost, it is advisable that water-soluble rape special trace element fertilizer 200 times liquid match the conventional fertilization when large area promotion application.
    The Application Progress on Effectiveness of Coloured Sticky Traps in Monitoring and Controling of Pest
    2014, (3):  78-78. 
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    The tendency of insect to different colors is formed in the course of long-term evolution taxis, and different kinds of insect have different color preference. The use of color tendency of insect to control pest is the most simple and effective method to monitoring and control the population of insect in present. The application progress on effectiveness of coloured sticky traps in monitoring and controling of pest in recent years was reviewed in this paper.
    Mainly Maize Diseases and Insect Pest Prevention and Control Technology in Tongliao
    2014, (3):  83-83. 
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    Maize is the main local crops in Tongliao. Planting maize area is one third of the total, more than one million sixty seven thousand hectare. Maize industry plays an important role on the whole city and even the whole national economic development. In recent years, maize diseases and insect pests have become one of the main factors affecting yield. The maize diseases and insect pest prevention and control was no time to delay, the maize diseases and insect pest prevention and control technology about maize armyworm,maize silk black were reviewed in this paper.
    Analysis of Desertification Process of Sandy Land in the Recent 30 Years in Naiman
    2014, (3):  88-88. 
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    The Naiman in horqin sandy land as the research object.The desertification situation in the study area were analyzed from 1977 to 2009.The results showed that the sand area began to rise from 1977 and decrease from 1989.It also found that the change of annual precipitation and the area of the farmland had larger influence on the sand area.The returning farmland to forest and grassland and grazing prohibition policy played a positive role in prevention and control of desertification.
    Analysis of Influence of Meteorological Disasters on Agricultural Facilities
    2014, (3):  92-92. 
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    In recent years,facility agriculture cultivates an area to expand ceaselessly, has become an important source of local farmers" income, but agricultural production closely related with meteorological conditions. The meteorological disasters of agricultural planting greenhouse was analyzed in this paper , and the countermeasures put forward in order to provide reference for the establishment of agricultural production.
    Trend of Space-time Distribution for Human Body Comfort in Hulunbeir Summer
    2014, (3):  94-94. 
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    The summer temperature and human body comfort were calculated by inspection data come from 16 stations in Hulunbeir during 52 years from 1961 to 2012. By using the linear regression, change rate and deviation, the years, intra-season and spatial distribution of the human body comfort were analyzed. It turned out that the human body comfort in all regions of each period in summer of Hulunbeir was at an upward trend with global warming, and in a different range variation, with lowest temperature in midnight larger and highest temperature in daytime smaller. The special distribution declined along farming areapasturing area-forest area.
    Analysis of Frost Free Period Variation in 1961-2010 Years of Yakeshi
    2014, (3):  97-97. 
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    Selecting Yakeshi City National Meteorological Station from 1961 to 2010 the last frost date and early frost frost free days, the characteristics of overall change cream Yakeshi was analyzed, the results indicated that: 1961-2010 near 50 years frost free days showed a slow increasing trend, increased rate of 2.3d/10a. The frost year total number of days the trend for the fluctuating upward, rising trend rate was 6.Sd/10a, the first frost date trends was rising, with the speed of 0.9d/10a pushed back, the last frost date trends was decreased, with the speed of 1.4d/10a in advance, and that same as the warming trend.
    Analysis on Oil Sunflower Registered Varieties during Last Decade in Inner Mongolia
    2014, (3):  100-100. 
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    Analysis of oil sunflower registered varieties during last decade in Inner Mongolia and its agronomic traits, growth period, yield, resistance and production were studied, it indieatied that oil sunflower breeding should be worked in precocious wide adaptability,biotechnology applications, attention breeding for disease resistance,suitable for mechanized harvesting and so on, and the oil sunflower industry of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will be promoted breakthrough.
    Breeding and Popularization of High Starch Maize Hybrid Hongbo No.218
    2014, (3):  103-103. 
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    Hongbo No.218 is a late mature single-cross hybrid, which is combined by Tongliao Hongbo industry science and technology limited liability company with self- selected HX1089 as female parent and self-selected HX2205 as male parent. It is characterized by excellent comprehensive quality, high yield, strong resistance to disease and lodging, and wide adaptability etc.
    Production Characteristics and High Yield Cultivation Techniques of maize in Shanxi
    2014, (3):  105-105. 
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    Aimed at characters of low temperature, low rainfall, poor soil in Shanxi province, the early status of maize production, including of the organic fertilizer and straw returned to increase field fertility, using degradable mulching film to reduce the environmental pollution, using drip irrigation under plastic film to the rational use of limited water resources were put forward. In addition,The use of herbicides and early, middle, late stage of maize growth and development management, integrated pest management, and application of isolation line of emasculation technology, would be make maize production to the new step in this area.
    Investigation of Household Register System Reform Research in Bayannur city
    2014, (3):  118-118. 
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    The basic situation of household registration system reform in bayannur city was analyzed by means of special investigation and survey. It pointed out the problems existed in the reform of household registration system, and corresponding put forward to the basic principles and methods of the household register.
    Investigation of Water Burden in the Yellow River Irrigation Area of Bayannur
    2014, (3):  120-120. 
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    The basic situation of Hetao Irrigation District in Bayannur, irrigation water of farmers burden conditions, existing problems were described in this paper, and suggestions of irrigation management were put forward.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China