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20 August 2015, Volume 43 Issue 4
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  • Comprehensive evaluation of drought-resistance in crop germplasm resources collected from arid areas in Inner Mongolia
    2015, 43(4):  1-1. 
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    Drought-resistance of the whole growth period of different crop germplasm resources collected from arid areas in Inner Mongolia was identified and evaluated in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Species and numbers were as follows: broom corn millet 87, linseed 7, milletl3, soybean 30, mung bean 6, common bean 30, wheat 14. Total of 35 accessions were identified as level 1 of drought-resistance, with strong drought resistance, and total of 21 accessions were identified as level 2 of drought-resistance, which could be used as the plant materials for drought-resistant improvement in crops.
    Assessment of genetic diversity of 35 hulled oat accessions using SSR and SRAP makers
    2015, 43(4):  6-6. 
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    We studied the genetic diversity of 35 hulled oat accessions using SSR and SRAP markers in this paper. Nineteen SSR primer pairs and 26 SRAP primer combinations were used, and 32 and 259 loci were amplified, of which 30 (93.8%) and 199 (76.8%) were polymorphic, respectively. The SSR makers alleles polymorphism information content(PIC) ranged from 0.665 4 to 0.798 5 ,with an average of 0.755 6. The effective number of alleles for each locus (Ne) varied from 1.159 2 to 1.971 1,with an average of 1.751 4.The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) ranged from 0.2643 to 0.8362 and averaged 0.596 9.The SRAP makers alleles polymorphism information content(PIC) ranged from 0.354 6 to 0.932 1, with an average of 0.743. The effective number of alleles for each locus (Ne) varied from 1.102 4 to 1.992 8, with an average of 1.672 4. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H) ranged from 0.168 2 to 0.691 4 and averaged 0.555 6. The genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0.46 to 0.95. The 35 materials could be clustered into 4 groups at the genetic similarity coefficient 0.70. Accessions of the same origin were in more than one group, it indicating that abundant genetic diversity existed in the hulled oat materials from Chifeng. The results indicated that the work of hulled oat resources collection, reservation, identification and utilization in Chifeng should be strengthened.
    Study on diurnal variation of photosynthetic rates for different maturity period of spring wheat varieties
    2015, 43(4):  12-12. 
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    Through the study on diurnal variation of photosynthetic rates for different maturity period of spring wheat varieties,the results showed that the diumal change of photosynthetic rate trends were bimodal curve; different varieties were at different dormant time at different levels; photosynthetic rate of the peak was different.
    The effect of water-saving agent on traits and yield of wheat on conservation tillage
    2015, 43(4):  14-14. 
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    Drought is the key restricting agricultural development, using water-saving agent to achieve the purpose of watersaving and crop production.h is a effective way for agricultural water saving research. This paper aimed to study the effect of water-saving agent on soil water content, traits and yield of wheat on tillage field . The results showed that the use of watersaving agent can improve the botanical traits of wheat, increase soil moisture and yield. Botanical traits of wheat under different treatment showed: conservation tillage was better than conventional tillage and water irrigation was higher than dry land and seed dressing higher than deep application. Soil water content of conservation tillage was greater than the conventional tillage.Under conservation tillage conditions, soil water content of irrigation treatment was higher than the dry land treatment. Under the condition of conservation tillage soil water content of seed dressing was greater than the deep application and 1.66% higher than that of deep application. Conservation tillage yield was higher than that of conventional tillage and yield of irrigation higher than that of dry land and yield of seed dressing in different treatment was higher than 2.4 -6.3 kg/667m^2 than deep application.
    The contribution of different traits of edible sunflower on yield
    2015, 43(4):  17-17. 
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    This experiment takes 7 optional edible sunflower crosses, and studies the agronomic characters, economic characters and Photosynthetic Characters of the 7 varieties by random permutation and combination.. The results show that the 17 characters in the single disc grain number, grain weight per plant, photosynthetic rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, growth period and stem diameter and the results were significant or very significant correlation between the 6 further; the characters and yield of path analysis showed that grain number, single disc grain weight per plant, photosynthetic rate (Pn), intercellular COz concentration (CO2), growth period and stem diameter of 6 parameters determine the variation of seed yield in 98.65%, the single disc grain weight on yield directly the largest contribution, followed by photosynthetic rate, again for the intercellular CO2 concentration, growth period of the yield contribution rate reached 0.389 5 while the single disc grain number and stem diameter direct contribution to yield is very small, its contribution to yield mainly through the grain weight per plant and growth period to achieve.
    Study on root field water consumption of grape planted in deep trench on northwest sandy land
    2015, 43(4):  21-21. 
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    With the flat planting as comparison, the experiment was studied root field water consumption and water requirement characteristics of grape in the deep trench planting under drought stress in the northwest sandy area. The results were as follows: in the deep trench planting, they were lower than flat planting in the root field soil moisture evaporation of grape and daily evapotranspiration, meanwhile soil relative water content was higher than flat planting after watering; the deep groove planting saved more water than fiat planting in annual water consumption and annual watering aquirement. The above results showed that the deep trench planting pattern was beneficial to hold water and had obviously water-saving effect for the flat planting, realizing water-saving irrigation.
    Study on wild fruit functional ingredients in Ewenki and Zhenglan banner
    2015, 43(4):  24-24. 
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    In this paper, we studied the functional ingredients of three wild fruit fruitage and leaf in the Ewenki and Zhenglan banner. The results showed that the fruitage functional ingredients of rhamnus davurica,malus baccata and hippophae rhamnoides in Zhenglan county were higher than Ewenki. The fruitage indexes of rhamnus davurica and malus baccata were significant differences between the two plots. The leaves functional ingredients of malus baccata and hippophae rhamnoides in Zhenglan banner were lower than Ewenki. The rhamnus davurica was converse. There existed a significant differences of leaves functional ingredients between two plots (P〈0.05). In the future, it will provide reference material on wild fruit exploitation in Inner Mongolia.
    Effect of different phosphorus concentration on seedling biomass and phosphorus nutrition of oats
    2015, 43(4):  27-27. 
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    The biomass and phosphorus nutrition of oats under different phosphorus concentration with different varieties were studied using the solution culture method. The results showed that: with increasing the phosphorus concentration, the biomass and phosphorus content in the root and shoot increased, while the root-shoot ratio of oats and phosphorus transport coefficient decreased. The phosphorus efficient oats varieties (genotypes) can be selected when phosphorus level was 0.1 mmol/L at seedling stage.
    Effects of different plant growth regulators on wheat development and yield
    2015, 43(4):  29-29. 
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    The effects of different plant growth regulators on wheat development and yield were studied through two points experiment. The results showed that MET can decrease the plant height of wheat, but plant protein, 21 albumin, Green storm 2008, Cuixiu, and Labor one had primitives effect on plant height; Besides leaf area per plant of DPC, the other treatments can obviously promote the leaf area per plant and amount of dry matter accumulation; Plant protein and 21 albumin can obviously promote the chlorophyll contents, but a2, a3, a4, PP333, and DPC could obviously promote the chlorophyll contents and cell fluid concentration; Some treatment increased three factors, some treatment increased two factors, and some treatment increased one factor. Generally, 21 albumin, Green storm 2008, Labor one, Enshibao, al, a2, a3, PP333 and DPC could assort the relationship with yield components, it attained high-yield.
    The effection of different zinc fertilizer on corn yield benefit the effect of different zinc fertilizer rate on corn yield and benefit
    2015, 43(4):  34-34. 
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    The availability of zinc is different in different conditions of soil. In order to further grasp the rate of zinc fertilizer, the experiment was carried out by different rate of zinc fertilizer on corn field. The results showed that :corn yield increased significantly after applying zinc fertilizer;production efficiency increased 75.1 kg after increasing zinc fertilizer application 1 kg/667m^2;the input-output ratio was 32:1, which was higher than the zinc fertilizer application 2 kg/667m^2 ;the zinc fertilizer cost is low and easy to use,so we should increase zinc fertilizer application reasonably for zinc deficiency area.
    Study on the influence of different cultivation modes on maize yield and soil moisture content and temperature in arable layer
    2015, 43(4):  36-36. 
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    In order to study the effect of plastic film mulching on maize yield and soil moisture content and temperature in arable layer, comparative trial of three kinds of planting pattern was carried out on the main crop corn in Liangcheng county. The results showed arable layer soil moisture content and temperature were significandy increased under plastic film mulching than semi-film mulching and plastic film mulching than no film mulching.
    Study of topdressing under maize cultivation with plastic film
    2015, 43(4):  38-38. 
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    The research results showed under the same applying fertilizer the average yield was 792.1 kg/667m^2 with solid fertilizer,19.14% higher than that of the traditional fertilization, and 683.2 kg/667m^2 with liquid fertilizer.So it was not appropriate to the maize applied with soluble humic acid fertilizer in the semi-arid areas.
    A preliminary study of simulated warming effect on the microclimate of desert steppe
    2015, 43(4):  40-40. 
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    Desert Steppe in Inner Mongolia grassland is the most drought grassland ecosystem which transit to the desert, Under a dry climate, the ecological environment is fragile, the impact of climate change on the fragile Desert Steppe ecosystem is more prominent. In this paper, based on the international tundra plan (ITEX) simulated warming effects on plants, using 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 50cm, 60cm of five highly Open-top chamber (OTC), to study the dynamic response on the microclimate of Desert Steppe The results showed that, The impact of warming control using OTC to the above-ground air temperature of 20cm was greater than the impact on soil temperature, and the soil temperature of underground 5cm was greater than soil temperature of underground 10cm; Daily maximum temperature of OTC was higher than control processing, but daily minimum temperature was lower than the control processing; OTC of the same base area, the higher of the height, the higher of its daily maximum temperature, and the lower of its daily minimum temperature, that to say, along with the height increase, the daily range of temperature in OTC increase, and sunny day was obvious than cloudy day.
    Analysis on doppler radar characteristic of a severe convective weather
    2015, 43(4):  44-44. 
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    By using conventional meteorological data, automatic station data and doppler radar observation data, a strong convective weather were analysed at night on July 28, 2014 to early in the morning of July 29 in the middle part of ordos city. The results showed: the severe convective weather occurred in the interaction between the upper trough and low-rise shear, better moisture conditions and convective instability conditions promoted development of strong convective weather process. The results showed through the analysis of Doppler radar characteristic: the strong convective weather appeared more than 58 dbz strong echo area and more than 63 dbz strong echo center in combination reflectivity CR figure; the radial velocity V figure showed cyclonic convergence in the the low-level formation of severe convective, upwind in the middle-low formation of severe convective, the anticyclonic divergence in a high level formation of severe convective; Strong echo area and VIL center had a good corresponding relation on the location; the change of the VIL provided effective information to judge the growth of the storm of hail and drop zone; The hail index was of great help to forecast the prohability of hail and drop zone; Storm track index had good pointing meaning for judgment to the direction and orientation of severe convective system.
    The protection suggestions of meteorological environment monitoring and evaluation in Hulunbeir area
    2015, 43(4):  47-47. 
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    According to the climate ecological environmental data in 2014, mainly including the basic climate situation, climatic disasters, soil moisture, the growth and development status of pasture, the monitoring of crop growth and development status, analyzing and evaluation of the Hulunbeir climate were done. The overall ecological meteorological environment was better in 2014. Combined with meteorological conditions and the different regional ecological environment, long-term climate ecological monitoring can be implemented based on climate ecological environmental monitoring.
    Research and control effect of frost protectiou bomb in Chifeng city
    2015, 43(4):  50-50. 
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    The fundamental principles and technical of development of frost prevention bombs were introduced. Through the in-site test, the effect of frost prevention was evaluated. It had great significance to prevent the frost disaster and minimize the losses of yield, and to ensure the food security.
    Continue to further promote the development of meteorological service environment
    2015, 43(4):  52-52. 
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    With the rapid development of economic globalization, lots enterprises in the blind searched for the rapid economic development,ignoring the meteorological environment pollution. Although some companies began to gradually realize the meteorological environment pollution problems, but due to lack of knowledge of meteorological environment, leading to the measures taken and no obvious effect achieved. This article was based on analysis of the current environmental situation in our country, and analyzed the main causes of environmental pollution in China, finally looked forward to the future development of China's meteorological service,we hope to be able to effectively promote the rapid and healthy development of China's environmental meteorology.
    Response of plant climate productivity to climatic change in Chifeng
    2015, 43(4):  54-54. 
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    The characteristics of climatic variation and its impact on plant climate productivity were studied with the observed data of 14 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2014 in Chifeng . The results showed that annual average temperature increased significantly in 54 years, and the increase pace of warming was 0.87℃, the annual precipitation was slightly decreased. The regional distribution of plant climate productivity in south of Chifeng was better than in north, and the mean plant climate productivity in Chifeng was 6 992.88 kg, qam^2 ·a.For two meteorological factors, annual precipitation was very significantly positive correlated with plant climate productivity, and annual average temperature was significantly negative correlated with, which implied the natural precipitation was important meteorological factor in determining plant climate productivity in Chifeng region.
    Analysis of climate characteristics of 2014/2015 in winter in Hulunbuir city
    2015, 43(4):  57-57. 
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    2014/2015 winter (December 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015), the climate characteristics of the main city of Hulunbuir was that the average temperature was higher than the calendar year value. Compared with the precipitation in the same period, rural area was more, pastoral areas and forest areas were less or near normal. The main weather event was that the extremely cold weather,"three sun"strange landscape,and the blizzard weather.
    The main factors influencing the quality of upper air sounding and the counter measures
    2015, 43(4):  60-60. 
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    The main factors affecting the quality of upper air sounding was discussed from the practical work in this article, and suggestions were put forward. It showed that radar calibration methods, radar observations of environment, base point resistance of humidity and measuring data accuracy, the accuracy of the instant meteorological elements, etc were all important factors affecting the quality of upper air sounding data. Adopting scientific radar calibration methods, accurately determine station radar detection performance,the base point of resistance,the base value determination and cast instant data automation,the second correction of stations, all these measures would provide technical guarantee to improve the quality of upper air sounding.
    Analysis of frost-free period variation between 1961 and 2013 of Kulun
    2015, 43(4):  62-62. 
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    By analyzing the beginning, the last frost date and frostless period sequence of Kulun meteorological stations in Tongliao of 53 years (1961-2013), we explored their variation trends and distribution characteristics using mean, monadic linear regression and Mann-Kendall methods. The results showed that the frostless period of Kulun in the early days advanced constantly; the final days postponed ceaselessly; the days of frostless duration increased continually;the tendency rate of it was 4.7 d/10a.
    Analysis of climatic ecological environment in Chifeng city in recent 10 years
    2015, 43(4):  65-65. 
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    Based on the actual data from 2004 to 2013 in Chifeng city, the meteorological data of 14 meteorological stations and ecological monitoring data of several counties were compared and analyzed. The eco-environment factors of Chifeng, such as climate conditions, ground water level, sand-wind weather, dry deposition and haze (fog or smog) weather were assessed and put forward several relative suggestions in this paper which can ameliorate the local eco-environment and provide the foundation for the long term ecological construction plan.
    Technological effects analysis of different plastic film mulching modes for maize in Tongliao
    2015, 43(4):  70-70. 
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    In order to explore the yield increasing mechanism of different plastic film mulching modes, and improve the maize mulch techniques, leaf area index, accumulation amount of dry matter, yield and its components were compared between the two maize planting methods, covering film between rows (CBR) and covering film on rows (COR), using no covering film (CK) as control. The results showed that technological effects of COR was the highest, followed by this of CBR and CK. Growth period of COR was 4-6 days earlier than other methods. Ear length, hundred-grain weight and kernel rate were increased and bare tip length was decreased by covering films. Yield and the tested indexes of COR was better than these of CBR and CK.
    Report on comparative test of forage maize varieties in Jingyuan County
    2015, 43(4):  73-73. 
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    In order to further promote the development of livestock industry in Jingyuan County,introduction and selection of forage maize varieties for northern arid region of Jingyuan County were done after testing of two years. The1427,1405 and other six maize varieties and local maize cultivar Zhongyuan Dan 32 were compared.The conclusion showed that the three maize varieties 1427jin Ling 377,1428 with a stable yield trait were significantly better than the control varieties in yield and benefit,and can be widely used in the local area.
    Comparison of production traits of seed setting maize varieties under whole film and double furrow conditions
    2015, 43(4):  75-75. 
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    In order to extend the employment of plastic-film in corn culture in Jingyuan County and to screen maize varieties with high quality and high yield under whole film and double furrow conditions,the planting experiment were conducted to compare the production traits of Zhongyuandan NO.32,Yuanhua NO.116,Jiyuan NO.1,Jiyuan NO.218,Changcheng N0.706, Jiudan NO.3 in three consecutive years. The yield, planting economic profit and ability to prevent diseases and insect pests of varieties of Changcheng NO.706 and Zhongyuandan N0.32 were found to be superior to the local varieties of Jiudan NO.3, which were suitable for promotion.
    Preliminary study on the application of liquid film in flax production
    2015, 43(4):  77-77. 
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    Liquid membrane is a new type of agricultural production materials,which had a high production value on dry land flax cultivation,and is conducived to the protection of the ecological environment. Rate of emergence was increased by 21.9% and yield was increased by 50.1%,and the income was increased 99 yuan/667m2 after spraying liquid membrane, so the benefit was obvious.
    Analysis of the fertility cultivation of corn in high latitude district
    2015, 43(4):  79-79. 
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    According to the analysis of the ecological adaptability of the corn in high latitude and cold area of Shanxi Frovince and the influencing factors of corn fertility, this article proposed the fertility cultivation of corn in high latitude district, including the anti-cold variety, deep ploughing, timely sowing, rational close planting, scientific fertilization, timely mulching, timely weeding, timely prevention and the control of plant diseases and insect pests, etc, so as to provide reference for the fertility cultivation of corn in high latitude district.
    Research on varieties optimization experiment of lining membrane rice in desert sand
    2015, 43(4):  82-82. 
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    Through 10 rice varieties optimization test of two years and two sites,the average yield of Tongdao 1 reached to 717.76 kg/667m2 and increased by 15.59% compared with rice variety Daohuaxiang NO.2.The agronomic traits of Tongdao 1 were better than other varieties and it can be used a large area cultivated rice varieties as sand lining membrane.
    High quality cultivation techniques of actinidia eriantha, a medicinal and edible plant
    2015, 43(4):  84-84. 
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    High quality cultivation techniques of Actinidia eriantha have been summarized on the base of years of experiences on cultivation and scientific achievements. It was included optimum environment, key points during cultivation, main diseases and pests and their prophylactic-therapeutic measures, collecting of fruits and roots, technique of packing, storage and transportation. The techniques provided a theoretical basis for the cultivation and management on Actinidia eriantha.
    High cutting techniques of abandoned Camellia sasanqua branches
    2015, 43(4):  92-92. 
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    Camellia sasanqua is a good landscaping tree species. The paper elaborated the technologies of Camellia sasanqua branches grafted onto camellia, with an emphasis on operation steps of rooting and grafting of its abandoned and stout branches. And then the paper preliminary summaried the open cultivation technologies of abandoned Camellia sasanqua branches.
    High efficiency and high yield cultivation techniques regulations in rape under dry land conservation tillage
    2015, 43(4):  94-94. 
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    After many years of trial, high efficient and high yield cultivation techniques regulations in rape under dry land conservation tillage was summaried,The fore crop stubble height was more than 15 cm and rape seeding rate was 6.38 kg hm^2,numder of seedlings was 750 000 - 900 000 seedlig/hm^2. The selected seeds were comprehensive resistance, wide adaptability, high yield and good seeds. Seeds which was treatmented were timely sowed and properly seeding depth and fertilizer rate was adjusted,preventing and controling diseases and insectpets harvesting in timeo
    The current development and problems of mulching cultivation technique on maize in Hulunbnir
    2015, 43(4):  96-96. 
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    By investigated the mulched crops in Hulunbuir, we found there had multiple kinds of crops, mulched technology promoted, especially the corn efficacy increased. The measures included making preferential policy and increasing financial support; imposing introduction and training; focusing cultivation techniques for increasing yield. However, there were mechanized mulching cultivation technique should be further promoted and hard to recover plastic film and other problems.
    Occurrence and control measure on tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Bayannur
    2015, 43(4):  100-100. 
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    Tomato yellow leaf virus disease was found in the autumn of 2014 in Bayannur, It caused economic losses to farmers. The occurrence the symptoms and the transmission way on leaf curl were analyzed and put forward to the prevention measures in this paper, It was given a reference basis for understanding prevention of TYLCV.
    Farmers markets reform based supermarket competition
    2015, 43(4):  102-102. 
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    After it comes to the twenty-first century, the consumption patterns of agricultural products begin to change with the rapid development of China's economy, the increase of income of urban and rural residents, the improvement of the quality of people's life and the change of their lifestyle; therefore, the simple trade mode of original farmer's market cannot meet the consumer's demand. Meanwhile, the emergence and development of supermarket leads a serious impact on the existing pattern of farmer's market. On the basis of the analysis of the traditional circulation mode of agricultural products as well as the main factors which influence the farmer's market because of the fast development of supermarket, this paper explores the effective approaches to deepen the reform of the original farmer's market, and to improve its competitiveness in the era.
    Research on agricultural trade pattern between China and Kazakhstan
    2015, 43(4):  107-107. 
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    This paper based on three discuss-sitting (comparative advantage, technology, intra-industry trade) comprehensively analyzes the agricultural trade pattern between China and Kazakhstan. The study shows that: Chinese agricultural products trade patterns, violating the three discuss-sitting, are not healthy, scientific and sustainable development trade patterns. So China needs to pay high attention to it and take measures to adjust and improve the existing patterns actively. At the present stage, Kazakhstan to Chinese agricultural products trade patterns are better conformed to the theory of the three assumptions. At present, the bilateral trade between China and Kazakhstan is still mainly inter-industry trade pattern, basing on the complementary products, while the intra-industry trade patterns are beginning to grow.
    Research progress on ecological restoration of abandoned farmland
    2015, 43(4):  113-113. 
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    The research progress of abandoned farmland at home and abroad was reviewed in this paper with emphasize on the effect of succession rules on plant community of abandoned farmland as well as the relationship between succession of plant community and abandoned time.Furthermore,the changes of soil moisture and nutrient of abandoned farmland caused by different abandoned time and vegetation was discussed and the research progress of ecological restoration of vegetation and soil of abandoned farmland by means of natural restoration and artificial improvement was introduced.
    Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of groundwater for recently ten years in Chifeng urban area
    2015, 43(4):  120-120. 
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    The dynamic of groundwater was comprehensiv ely studied with the observed data related to groundwater and meteorological conditions from 2005 to 2014 in Chifeng urban area. The results showed that the temperature and evaporation increased slowly, precipitation and sunshine decreased slowly in nearly ten years. Affected by human behavior factors and climate conditions, groundwater level was obvious downward trend year by year, declining rate at 1.15 m/year. In one year, the highest groundwater level was obvious in March, then began to drop month by month, until September fall to the lowest, and then gradually rise to reach the highest in March to the next year. For four meteorological factors, precipitation was very significantly negative correlated with groundwater, and the simple correlation coefficients was -0.507, temperature and evaporation significantly positive correlated with groundwater level, and the simple correlation coefficients were 0.653 and 0.708, which implied precipitation was the most important meteorological factors to promoting groundwater level(groundwater level decreases), temperature and evaporation were the important meteorological factors to promote groundwater level declined.
    Research analysis of hybrid seed production of Marigold in 2014 of Chifeng district
    2015, 43(4):  123-123. 
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    Flower industry has developed rapidly in recent years of Chifeng region, especially the marigold hybrid seeds has become one of the leading industry of the agricultural increasing efficiency and farmers income.By research analysis of marigold hybrid seeds on planting varieties, growth situation , yield, benefit in 2014 of Chifeng area,the industry development situation preliminary was mastered at present and the relevant development proposals was proposed.
    Analysis of vegetable prices in Hohhot and development countermeasures
    2015, 43(4):  125-125. 
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    Vegetables are not only the daily life necessary food, but also an imp ortant economic crop, vegetable price fluctuation directly affect the daily life. In this paper, through comparison of the composition of vegetables price, vegetable price fluctuation in Hohhot city was analyzed, we put forward the suggestions to provide theoretical support for stable prices of vegetables in Hohhot, also provide a reference for the government decision-making.
    Investigation and thinking of the development of grain industry in Pengyang County
    2015, 43(4):  127-127. 
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    Small grains with drought and barren, high water use efficiency, wide adaptability, rich nutrition, high protein content and the balance of outstanding features, has a long history of cultivation in the county, was one of the major food for people. In recent years, the planting area, the yield and quality have been increased year by year, which become a major industry in the county of grain production, agricultural efficiency and farmers" income, promoting the development of regional economy. But with the expansion of small grains, the planting area, planting technology and field management industry development were lagged, comprehensive production efficiency cultivation technique of coverage was not high, the industrial economic steady but not increase. Based on the analysis of the status quo of small grains industry in Pengyang county and the existing problems, we put forward some countermeasures and measures to promote the grain industry development in Pengyang county.
    Current situation and countermeasure on recovery and utilization of waste plastic in Bayinnur city
    2015, 43(4):  129-129. 
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    In this paper, the damage of plastic film residue in farmland to agriculture production was introduced. The current situation of recovery and utilization of farmland plastic film residue was analyzed. Then, we put forward method and countermeasure on recovery of farmland plastic film residue.
    Comparison of controlled atmosphere and cold storage of fruits and vegetables
    2015, 43(4):  131-131. 
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    Fruits and vegetables have the main characteristics on strong seasonal growth, high water content, not resistant to storage, eating while it is fresh etc. In preservation methods of fruits and vegetables, the nutrition and flavor quality of fruits and vegetables could be kept best with the method of controlled atmosphere storage, with little influence on sale and economic value. In this paper , the characteristics of controlled atmosphere and cold storage of fruits and vegetables was compared to summarize the advantages of controlled atmosphere storage.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China