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20 February 2016, Volume 44 Issue 1
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  • The effects of source-sink characteristics on yield of super-high-yield spring corn
    2016, 44(1):  1-1. 
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    The experiment studied the relationship of source and sink through six dense-resisitance super-high-yield corn varieties(JinChuang998 ,XianYu335 ,ZhengDan958 ,DaMin3307 ,KX3564 ,JinChuang No.3).It revealed that the super-high-yield corn varieties of dry matter accumulation, leaf area index, photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll relative content and yield components of source-sink characteristics influenced on yield. Results showed that JinChuang No.3 had a high green degree. After flowering period, per plant dry matter quality of JinChuang No.3 was bigger and DaMin3307 was second and there was no significant difference between them, so they had the sufficient source. From ear grain number and thousand grain quality, JinChuang No.3 and DaMin3307 had larger spike grain number and thousand grain quality and their sink were biggest. From plant trait, the plant height and ear heiht of JinChuang No.3 were in the middle and stem diameter was big and zero lodging. JinChuang3 had dense-resistance characteristics. Take "source" and "sink" and dense-resistance into consideration, eventually the variety with high yield potential was JinChuang No.3. Therefore ,the variety with sufficient source and sink should he chosed at the same time through cultivation measures to improve its corresponding index to achieve the goal of super-high-yield.
    Study on photosynthetic rates and genetic laws of hybrid offspring for different spring wheat varieties
    2016, 44(1):  7-7. 
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    The study on photosynthetic rates and genetic laws of hybrid offspring for different spring wheat varieties was done. The results showed that photosynthetic rates of wheat belonged to quantitative character inheritance. Through cross-fertilize between varieties, the higher photosynthetic rate of the hybrid offspring can be bred. It was important in high photosynthetic efficiency breeding selection from generation to generation of various types of photosynthetic rate in the F2 generation.
    Grey relational grade analysis on yield and main character of oil sunflower
    2016, 44(1):  12-12. 
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    In 13 oil sunflower varieties (lines) to test the new varieties, using the method of grey correlation analysis,we analyzed the close degree of 8 main characters and yield relationship was done.The results showed that: oil sunflower was mainly associated with the order for production traits were: disk diameter〉 hundred-grain weight〉 stem diameter〉 setting rate〉plant height〉growth stage〉 oil content〉 seed kernel rate. Disk diameter had the greatest impact on the yield,but seed kernel rate had the least impact on the yield.
    The correlation study between cooking qualities and agronomic traits in japonica rice
    2016, 44(1):  15-15. 
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    Correlation and grey correlation degree between edible qualities and agronomic traits were analyzed about the later generation hybridized of 349 lines of the RIL populations between erect and crooked panicle type. The correlation analysis results showed that the relation of gelatinization temperature (GT) and days from sowing to heading (DH) were extremely significant positive correlation and relation of GT and panicle angle (PA), spikelet per panicle (SP), filled spikelet per panicle (FSP), panicle length (PL) were significant or extremely significant negative correlation. The relation of gel consistency(GC)and seed-setting rate (SS), PL, PA, PH, 1000-grain weight(1000GW) were extremely significant positive correlation. The relation of amylose content (AC) and DH, PH, 1000GW were significant or extremely significant positive correlation. The grey correlation degree analysis indicated that SS, DH, 1000GW, PL had great effects on edible qualities, while no filled spikelet per panicle(NFS), PA, spikelet per cm panicle(SPP) had slight effects on edible qualities.
    Preliminary report of experiment on high density and high yield corn cultivation of one hole double plants in irrigation area in Hetao
    2016, 44(1):  19-19. 
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    According to the situation of high investment and yield on corn production in irrigation area in Hetao,we conducted experiment on high density and high yield corn cultivation of one hole double plants in Linhe and Hanggin Rear Banner in 2015 to further explore yield potential. The yield was up to 1 120.50~1 239.69 kg/667m2, 14.12%~28.2% increasing in wide coated corn high yield field and the average benefit was 464.1 yuan per 667m2. The results in increasing investment and yield were obvious. In a word, the experiment investigates that one hole double plants mode was a simple and feasible method on high density and high yield corn cultivation in irrigation area in Hetao with high market value.
    Effect on different irrigation quantity on growth and development and yield of potato under drip irrigation with mulch
    2016, 44(1):  23-23. 
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    Studing the differences of potato growth and yield formation under different irrigation quantity with drip irrigation, the relationship of potato moisture absorption and yield formation and regulatory mechanism were theoretically verified, to determine the potato irrigation system of water saving and high yield.With the increase of irrigation quantity, plant height, stem diameter, the dry weight of ground organs and tuber yield were unimodal curve change with drip irrigation under membrane. Yield was the highest when irrigation quantity was 1 650 m3/hm2, which was the most suitable irrigation quantity. A moderate amount of irrigation can promote the plant growth and was beneficial to delay the plant senescence.
    Comparison experiment of soybean varieties of Chifeng
    2016, 44(1):  28-28. 
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    The agronomic characters and quality characters of 20 soybean varieties of the Northeast and Inner Mongolia area were compared. The results showed that the yield of Suiyu06-8790,Dongnong52, Longhuang2 and Ji2001-336-7 increased significantly compared with the control, it was early maturity, good field performance, higher yield, and showed good ecological adaptability in Chifeng region.
    Effects of different drying methods on products quality of two kinds of fragrant plants
    2016, 44(1):  31-31. 
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    Aromatic plants Matricaria chamomilla L. and Mentha haplocalyx Briq. were selected as the experimental materials. Effects on drying methods on produce quality of two aromatic plants Matricaria chamomilla L. and Mentha haplocalyx Briq. were studied by drying in the sun, drying in the shade and stoving. Assessment was done on both water content and produce quality. The results showed that Matricaria chamomilla L., the best quality was obtained after stoving at 45℃ for 8.5 hrs, while with Mentha haplocalyx Briq, storing at 100 ℃ for 60mins, the layer thickness of 1.0 cm, had the best quality.
    Evaluation of squash rootstocks for muskmelon production
    2016, 44(1):  38-38. 
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    To select the proper rootstock for muskrmelon in Inner Mongolia area, six squash rootstocks were tested using muskrmelon variety Hualaishias scion in the experiment. Self rooted muskrmelon seedlings were used as control. Survival rate of grafted seedlings, field performance, fruit characteristics and yield were used to evaluate the performance of different rootstocks. The results showed that rootstocks Jingyutianzhen No.l and Tiangen No.2 performed better than others. They had higher survival rate (more than 95%) ,better grafting affinity, better vigor and diseases resistance, better quality and improved yield. They were suitable for muskrmelon production in local area.
    Study on the effects of different planting patterns on grape fruit quality
    2016, 44(1):  42-42. 
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    The test taked 4 years of Vitis vinifera L. "Jinya", "Cabernet Sauvignon"and "Merlot"as the test materials.The experiment studied that deep-furrowed cultivation pattern and conventional level planting pattern had influenced on the appearance quality of grapes.The results showed that the grapes with deep-furrowed cultivation accelerated to the fruit formation ,accumulation of sugar and organic acid metabolism.There were soluble solids and reducing sugar content , titratable acid and sugar-acid ratio of three grape fruits extremely significant difference in two kinds of planting mode, but the weight of fruits , the vertical and horizontal diameter difference were not obvious. Deep-furrowed cultivation grapes rhizosphere water and canopy microclimate were better than the conventional fiat planting in order to ensure the higher photosynthetic rate. Deep-furrowed cultivation can increase the production and improve the quality of fruits.
    Study on preventing browning and vitrification for strawberry in stem-tip culture
    2016, 44(1):  46-46. 
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    in order to study the effect of different measures on preventing browning and vitrification for strawberry in stem-tip culture, the strawberry stem tip and adventitious buds were selected. The results showed that the best concentration of 6-BA was 1.5 mg/L in induction medium. The browning rate of stem tip was significantly reduced by adding vitamin C with 50 mg/L in induction medium. The effect of darkness pretreatment on browning of strawberry stem tip in vitro was not significant. In subculture, the vitrification ratio of adventitious buds was decreased with reducing the concentration of 6-BA subculture by subculture.
    Establish of culture rapid propagation system for Lilium longiflorum tissue
    2016, 44(1):  52-52. 
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    Lilium longiflorum as the research object, with MS as the basic culture medium,optimize the lilies explant best way to sterilization, eventually choose 5% concentration of sodium hypochlorite, sterilization time for 10 rain. Based on 8 additional different concentrations of 6 - BA, NAA of MS culture medium, according to a study in MS+I mg/mL 6-BA+0.1 mg/mL NAA medium lilies proliferation effect was good, proliferation coefficient of 6.88. Sucrose concentration was 60%, the best bulb effect in vitro, the produce rate of bulbs produce bulbs rate of 100%, bulb was 1.12 cm in diameter, mass was 2.26 g. In 1/2 MS + 0.5 mg/mLNAA medium to take root, rooting rate of 100%, average root length was 2.83 cm. In the end, getting the tube seedling transplanting, the survival rate was 83%.We established Lilium longiflorum system of tissue culture technology and provided certain technical guidance for chifeng area.
    Effect of dry heat treatment on seed germination and seedling growth of young Chinese cabbage
    2016, 44(1):  56-56. 
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    The seeds of rape variety green petiole F1 treated with different temperature and duration. The results indicated that the difference of treatment temperature and time on the germination rate of rape seeds was significantly affected by the addition of 60 ℃4 h.Seedling emergence rate and the ratio of the film were highly significant level.50 ℃ ,4 h after the hot processing plant height of seedling increased 0.39% than the control group. Leaves number increased by 11.11% than the control. The maximum leaf area and root fresh weight compared with increased 2.2% and 16.32% respectively.50 ℃, 12 h after processing the root fresh weight increased by 17.16% than the control group. After processing of aboveground fresh weight was lower than control group,but 60 ℃, 12 h treatment of aboveground fresh weight of the highest. The plant height, number of leaves, maximum leaf area,fresh weight of both aboveground part and underground part of plants were significantly increased with treatment 50 ℃. Therefore 50 ℃ was the best treatment for rapeseed treatment.
    Effect on seed production with gradient fertilization of rape varieties
    2016, 44(1):  61-61. 
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    In this experiment, the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertihzer on the yield of different rape varieties was studied by orthogonal experiment design. With the increase of nitrogen fertilizer application, yield increased and showed significant difference (P〈0.05); under no nitrogen fertilizer, the yield can significantly increase with the application of phosphate fertilizer; under low nitrogen conditions (N1, that fertilizer is 65 kg/hm~), phosphorus treatment compare with no P treatment had an yield increasing trend, and high levels of phosphorus fertilization amount (i.e.P3:726.5 kg/hm~) production increased significantly(P〈0.05); at higher nitrogen conditions (N3:nitrogenous fertilizer quantity is 321 kg/hmZ), the application of low phosphorus (Pl : 198 kg/hm2), yield increasing 8.4%. The combined application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can achieve increasing yield. Comprehensive comparison of varieties, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer production, fertilization, variety combination: N2 and Long-you No.5, P3 has the highest seed yield, reaching at 2 900 kg/hm2.
    Comparison of different methods of nitrate determination of cabbage
    2016, 44(1):  65-65. 
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    The cabbage and soil of test area were used as materials.C abbage used classic spectrophotometric method with phenol disulfonic acid and the s0il select flow injection analysis to measure the nitrate content, respectively compared with quick test procedure, discussion quick-test procedure of the accuracy of the nitrate content of vegetables and soil . The conclusion showed that there was no significant difference between the soil nitrate assay results of flow injection analysis and quick test procedure;when the vegetable samples were extracted and filtrated as the pretreatment procedures of standard method, there were no significant differences between quick test procedure and spectrophotometric method with phenol disulfonic acid, their coefficient of determination being up to 0.9, And there was no significant difference between the measured values of the two methods. Through a comparative study of the two methods, recommend quick-test procedure to measure nitrate with regards of its simple operation and accurate outcomes.
    Analysis of dynamic change and driving forces of cultivated land in Kerqin sandy land
    2016, 44(1):  69-69. 
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    According to the data of arable land area in the counties of Horqin area,this paper summed up the change of arable land area and of gravity in Horqin area and the dynamic degree of land use and relative rate of change in the counties. This paper also analyzed the population and policy driving factors which lead to the change of the arable land. The results showed that total arable land in the Horqin showed fluctuations in the rising trend;arable land area changes in the Horqin Region existd great regional difference: the growth of arable land area in northern counties was far greater than the Horqin Region and the southern counties; the center of gravity of the cultivated land was obviously moving at the latitude and it divided into two stages in the longitudinal movement (it moved westward before 1996 and eastward after 1996).
    Field plot experiments on the control of potato early blight by new fungicides
    2016, 44(1):  72-72. 
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    Potato early blight(Alternaria solani) was one of important worldwide disease. Screening of effective fungicide was significant for controling potato early blight. Five fungicides were tested in field plot experiments in 2014 to control the potato early blight.The results indicated the control efficacy of Custodia320SC30 mL/667m2, Field plot experiments on the Control of Potato Early Blight by New Fungicides Apropo20OSE30 mL/667m2, daconil-difenoconazole44%SC120 mL/667m2, fluazinam. iprodione40%SC62.5 mL/667m2 and Amister25%SCS0 mL/667m2 compared with the control was individually 96.5%,96.3%, 86.3%,80.2% and84.9%. Their yield increase was respectively 16.5%, 14.4%, 9.0%, 8.1% and 10.1%. All five Fungicides tested could be used to control potato early blight in field production.
    Control effect of 3% OF Mesosulfuson-methyl to annual gramineous weeds in spring wheat field
    2016, 44(1):  76-76. 
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    The field experiment was conducted to define the co ntrol effect of 3% OF Mesosulfuson-methyl on the annual Gramineous weeds in spring wheat.The results showed that leaf spraying of 4.5~ 18 g/hmZ(dosage of active ingredients) dosage was good inhibition to the gramineous weeds with 3-4 leaves and it was safe to spring wheat.
    Whitefly population spatiotenporal dynamic changes and green prevention and control measures of greenhouse in Wuhai city
    2016, 44(1):  79-79. 
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    With systemic investigation the temporal dynamic variation of population quantity of Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouse in Wuhai area, it presented the trend of increased in all. The spatial distribution of Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouse showed that the horizontal distribution of the order from high to low at north, middle, south, and with the increase of temperature, the Trialeurodes vaporariorum had the trend of migrating to the south of greenhouse; the vertical distribution of the sequence from high to low was upper, middle, lower, and the proportion of the total amount of the adult worm in the upper and middle leaves increased after the first decrease. Biological prevention and physical prevention can effectively restrain the population quantity of Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouse.
    The research on cold resistance of several kinds of cover plant in Baotou area
    2016, 44(1):  83-83. 
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    Cold hardiness of white clover, red fescue, bluegrass,hard fescue,Agrostis stolonifera L. were analyzed by morphologic observation and determination of the soluble sugar content and conductivity.The results showed that cold tolerance of five plants by the sequence from high to low was: hard rescue 〉 bluegrass 〉 purple rescue 〉 white clover 〉 Agrostis stolonifera L. Cold hardiness form determination of physiological and biochemical indexes and overwintering morphologic observation had the same results.
    Fish fauna of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia reaches and the new findings
    2016, 44(1):  86-86. 
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    Inner Mongolia reaches of the Yellow River and its tributaries are rich in fish resources, which is an important part of fish resources in the Yellow Ri'~er. After analysis and research of the fish fauna in the region, we found five families, three orders,ten subfamilies,twenty-five reaches attributed to 5 area respectively,The investigation showed that five kinds of fish can't be find related information in Inner Mongolia section of the Yellow River over the past years.
    Effect of staxanthin on parrot blood body color, growth and nonspecific immune indexes
    2016, 44(1):  91-91. 
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    The single factor density gradient method was used in this study to evaluate the effects of astaxanthin on the body color, growth and several index of nonspecific immune of blood parrot. Blood parrot were fed on basal diet with 0‰,1‰,2‰, 3‰,4‰ astaxanthin for 7 weeks, The body color and growth index were measured every 7 days. After 7 weeks, the activities of total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the activity of lysozyme (LSZ) were measured. The results showed that, the hyperchromic effect of 4 ‰astaxanthin group on the blood parrot was significantly higher than the control group, the growth rate were higher in the 2%v and 3‰ group. The activities of T-AOC and CAT in the 4 ‰astaxanthin group were significantly higher, but there were insignificant different of SOD activity in the blood and liver and LSZ in the gill among all the treatment groups. Therefore, add different level of astaxantin in a certain range had significant effect to blood parrot body graces, but had similar effects on the nonspecific immune index.
    Analysis of innovation capacity of Inner Mongolia agricultural science and technology
    2016, 44(1):  96-96. 
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    Using factor analysis, scientific and technological innovation capacity of the agricultural scientific research institution of Inner Mongolia was carried out by quantitative analyzed, and it turned out that the keys to affect the innovation capacity were the input-output factor, achievement transformation factor, economic base factor and human input factor. We put forward related suggestions on promoting the technological innovation capacity of the agricultural science and technology from six aspects, included in enhancing input in agricultural innovation, strengthening agricultural scientific and technological talents development, intensifying protection of the intellectual rights, promoting agricultural sci-tech popularization, constructing scientific and technological information platform, and introducing enterprises to get involved in the scientific and technological innovation and promotion.
    Rainfed agriculture research progress at domestic and overseas
    2016, 44(1):  102-102. 
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    This paper was based on the early stage and mode rn times of development as the main line at domestic and overseas and rainwater agriculture was introduced. The recent research progress of rainwater agriculture from drought in arid, wind erosion prevention measures, researches, soil improvement, water keep moisture complement, more representative in the rainfed agriculture at domestic and overseas research results were introduced for example and the rainwater agriculture research development direction, the difference of rainfed agricultural research methods at domestic and overseas and the problems existing in the rainfed agricultural research of rainfed agriculture research at domestic and overseas were reviewed and prospected.
    The potassium nutrition research progress and diagnosis of potato
    2016, 44(1):  109-109. 
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    Potato is a typical K-favoring crop and has a great demand on potassium. However, shortages and over-use of potassium are common existing in agricultural production, therefore, it is essential to understand well about the potassium nutritional characteristics of the potato, based on which to conduct the appropriate nutrition management and determine the optimum rate of potassium. The establishment of potassium nutrition diagnosis in field will be beneficial for potassium fertilizer application precisely and timely. In addition, a new diagnostic method was proposed to provide a reference for the field potassium nutrient management of potato.
    The feasibility analysis of implementing sugar crop target price
    2016, 44(1):  113-113. 
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    Sugar beet is the second largest sugar crop in China. The implementing of sugar crop target price will have a great role in promoting planting area, farmers" income, industrial structure and technology progress, and play a promoting role in sugar industry and country sugar safety, and have an impact on our country and the international sugar market. Direct subsidies to farmers can increase agricultural production, decrease enterprise production cost, reduce domestic sugar price, effectively resist the impacts of international markets on domestic sugar price, and promote healthy development of the domestic sugar industry. Sugar temporary storage and subsidies to enterprises purchasing and storage are also effective measures to alleviate the impact of international sugar.
    Evolution of pastoral land reclamation policies and environmental impact in Inner Mongolia
    2016, 44(1):  117-117. 
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    The land reclamation policies in Inner Mongolia began at the late Qing Dynasty, ended in the late 20th century. It was a century from the restrictive reclamation to comprehensive reclamation. The various policies of reclamation carried out by government which had a profound impact on farming and animal husbandry and ecological environment of Inner Mongolia.
    Characteristics of drought disasters in Jiexiu region during the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China
    2016, 44(1):  120-120. 
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    Based on collection and arrangement of historical material,using the mathematical statistics analysis method ,hierarchical sequence features,decadal change,seasonal change,periodic variation and reason of drought disaster were analyzed for the Jiexiu Region during the Qing dynasty and the Republic of China.The results showed that there were 72 times drought disasters in total,approximately once every 4.3 years on average.Level 1 drought occured 29 times, accounting for 40.3% of the total number of drought.Above moderate drought proportion was 59.7% ,which was beyond the drought half of the total. This had significant characteristics between the late Qing dynasty to the republic of China.The drought frequency was significantly higher in early and it was a severe drought season and drought. The main cause of the drought was less rainfall than normal years. The imbalance of contradiction between human and land intensified drought frequency and severity.
    Establishment of virtual experiment system platform for agricultural science and education
    2016, 44(1):  124-124. 
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    To present the ideas of establishing virtual experiment system platform for agricultural science and education in China.Under the current situation of Chinese agricultural science and education experiment training, system features, to provide the support of information technology and media technology, system construction and resource construction of virtual experiment system platform for agricultural science and education were discussed.System construction scheme and resources construction plan of virtual experiment system platform for agricultural science and education were formed.The study made a substantive exploration on the establishment of virtual experiment system platform for agricultural science and education in China.
    Application situation and development countermeasures for rural household biogas technology in Wuyuan county
    2016, 44(1):  128-128. 
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    Rural household biogas technology began popularization and application in the 1950 s in Inner Mongolia region. Wuyuan county rural biogas construction began in 2003 as the process of new socialist countryside construction and the important content of construction. Aftera a few years of efforts, Wuyuan county had formed relatively perfect county and town two levels of rural energy service system. All items of the county village had village service outlets. Biogas production technician team construction hawe been developed rapidly.
    Chinese and international standard system comparative development status and analysis of prospects
    2016, 44(1):  132-132. 
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    The current status and problems of standard system of China and Kazakhstan, Russia, American were compared and elaborated, and then prospects for the development of the standard system between two countries were analyzed.
ISSN 2096-1197
CN 15-1375/S
chief editor: LU Zhanyuan
Responsible Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Sponsor Unit: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
Editing Unit: Editorial Department of Journal of Northern Agriculture
Address: Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,22 Zhaojun Road,Hohhot,China