畜牧与饲料科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 74-81.doi: 10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2024.03.010

• 食品科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


张春华1,2,3, 李胜利1,2,3, 宝华1,2,3, 王博1,2,3, 萨初拉1,2,3, 刘威1,2,3, 付乐1,2,3, 李文婷1,2,3, 张崇志1,2,3, 杨鼎1,2,3, 金鹿1,2,3, 胡晓晓1,2,3, 张鹏举1,2,3, 孙海洲1,2,3   

  1. [1.内蒙古自治区农牧业科学院动物营养与饲料研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031;
    2.农业农村部草食家畜健康养殖与畜产品品质调控重点实验室(部省共建),内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031;
    3.内蒙古自治区草食动物营养科学重点实验室,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010031]
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-05 出版日期:2024-05-30 发布日期:2024-06-25
  • 通讯作者: 孙海洲(1970—),男,研究员,博士,博士生导师,主要研究方向为动物营养与饲料科学。
  • 作者简介:张春华(1978—),女,副研究员,博士,主要研究方向为动物营养与饲料科学。
  • 基金资助:
    鄂尔多斯市科技重大专项(2022EEDSKJZDZX021); 国家绒毛用羊产业技术体系(CARS-39-11); 准格尔旗科技成果转化项目(2023CC-03)

Comparison and Analysis of Meat Quality of Different Sheep Breeds in Inner Mongolia

ZHANG Chunhua1,2,3, LI Shengli1,2,3, Baohua1,2,3, WANG Bo1,2,3, Sachula1,2,3, LIU Wei1,2,3, FU Le1,2,3, LI Wenting1,2,3, ZHANG Chongzhi1,2,3, YANG Ding1,2,3, JIN Lu1,2,3, HU Xiaoxiao1,2,3, ZHANG Pengju1,2,3, SUN Haizhou1,2,3   

  1. 1. Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Grass-Feeding Livestock Healthy Breeding and Livestock Product Quality Control(Joint Construction by Ministry and Province),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Hohhot 010031,China;
    3. Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Herbivores Nutrition,Hohhot 010031,China
  • Received:2023-09-05 Online:2024-05-30 Published:2024-06-25

摘要: [目的]评价与比较内蒙古地区不同品种羊肉的品质。[方法]随机选择舍饲方式养殖的苏尼特羊(选自锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗)、乌珠穆沁羊(选自锡林郭勒盟东乌珠穆沁旗)、察哈尔羊(选自锡林郭勒盟镶黄旗)、内蒙古细毛羊(选自锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗)、鄂尔多斯细毛羊(选自鄂尔多斯市乌审旗)各12只,共计60只;屠宰后每只羊取剔除筋膜和脂肪的背最长肌和股二头肌样品各200 g;分别测定并比较5个品种羊背最长肌和股二头肌的物理指标(色度、熟肉率、剪切力、失水率)、常规营养成分含量(水分、脂肪、蛋白质)和氨基酸组成与含量(7种EAA和10种NEAA)。[结果]鄂尔多斯细毛羊和苏尼特羊背最长肌和股二头肌色度较好;5个品种羊背最长肌熟肉率差异不显著(P>0.05),察哈尔羊股二头肌熟肉率最高;乌珠穆沁羊背最长肌和股二头肌失水率显著(P<0.05)低于其他4个品种;苏尼特羊背最长肌和股二头肌剪切力在5个品种中较低;察哈尔羊背最长肌和股二头肌水分含量最高,乌珠穆沁羊背最长肌和股二头肌脂肪含量最低,苏尼特羊背最长肌和股二头肌蛋白质含量最高;鄂尔多斯细毛羊背最长肌和股二头肌TAA含量最高,背最长肌7种EAA含量较高,股二头肌7种EAA含量显著(P<0.05)高于其他4个品种;5个品种羊的背最长肌和股二头肌EAA/TAA均在40%左右,EAA/NEAA均在60%以上,均符合FAO/WHO发布的优质蛋白质推荐值。[结论]内蒙古地区5个品种羊肉的主要品质指标存在一定差异,其EAA含量丰富、组成平衡,是优质的蛋白质来源;鄂尔多斯细毛羊肉在TAA和EAA含量方面表现更好,乌珠穆沁羊肉则具有高蛋白、低脂肪的特点。

关键词: 内蒙古, 羊肉, 品种, 品质, 氨基酸含量

Abstract: [Objective] This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the meat quality of different sheep breeds in Inner Mongolia. [Method] A total of 60 confined sheep belonging to 5 breeds, including Sonid sheep (selected from Sonid Right Banner, Xilin Gol League, n=12), Ujimqin sheep (selected from East Ujimqin Banner, Xilin Gol League, n=12), Chahar sheep (selected from Xianghuang Banner, Xilin Gol League, n=12), Inner Mongolia fine wool sheep (selected from Zhenglan Banner, Xilin Gol League, n=12), and Ordos fine wool sheep (selected from Uxin Banner, Ordos City, n=12) were randomly selected. After slaughter, 200 g longissimus dorsi muscle and 200 g biceps femoris samples eliminating fascia and fat were collected from each sheep, respectively. The physical indicators (color, cooked meat rate, shear force and water loss rate), the contents of traditional nutritional components (water, fat and protein), and the compositions and contents of amino acids (7 kinds of essential amino acids and 10 kinds of non-essential amino acids) of longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris samples collected from the 5 sheep breeds were assessed and statistically compared. [Result] The longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris of Ordos fine wool sheep and Sonid sheep had better perfomance in color. There were no significant (P>0.05) differences in cooked meat rates of longissimus dorsi muscle among the 5 sheep breeds. Chahar sheep had the highest cooked meat rate of biceps femoris. The water loss rates of longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris of Ujimqin sheep were significantly (P<0.05) lower than those of the other 4 sheep breeds. The shear force of longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris of Sonid sheep was relatively lower among the 5 sheep breeds. In longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris, the highest water content, the lowest fat content and the highest protein content were observed in Chahar sheep, Ujimqin sheep and Sonid sheep, respectively. Ordos fine wool sheep had the highest total amino acid contents in longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris, had higher contents of 7 kinds of essential amino acids in longissimus dorsi muscle, and had significantly (P<0.05) higher contents of 7 kinds of essential amino acids in biceps femoris than those of the other 4 sheep breeds. The ratios of essential amino acid to total amino acid (EAA/TAA) of longissimus dorsi muscle and biceps femoris of the 5 sheep breeds were all around 40%, and those of essential amino acid to non-essential amino acid (EAA/NEAA) were all above 60%, which met the recommended values for high-quality proteins by FAO/WHO. [Conclusion] Although the 5 sheep breeds in Inner Mongolia had differences in the main meat quality indicators, they were all high-quality protein sources due to the high content and balanced composition of EAA. Ordos fine wool sheep performed better in terms of meat TAA and EAA contents, while Ujimqin sheep had the characteristics of high-protein and low-fat meat.

Key words: Inner Mongolia, mutton, breed, quality, amino acid content
