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20 April 2014, Volume 35 Issue 4
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  • Determination of Antibacterial Activity of Extract of Astragalus on Common Pathogenic Bacteria in vitro and in vivo
    2014, 35(4):  1-1.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.002
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (235KB) ( 46 )   Save
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    In order to study the antibacterial activity of Astragalus extract on Staphylococcus aureus ,Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp., the antibacterial activity of Astragalus extract on S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. in vitro was determined by using tube double dilution method. Mice were administrated with the same concentration of pathogenic bacteria by intragastric administration to treat with Astragalus extract. The number of intestinal bacteria in the duodenum,jejunum,ileum and cecum of mice were respectively determined so as to study the antibacterial activity of Astragalus extract in vivo. The results showed that Astragalus extract had inhibitory effects on S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. in vitro and in vivo. And Astragalus extract had strongest inhibition on E. coli and weakest inhibition on Salmonella sp. The mortality rate of mice after infecting with various kinds of pathogenic bacteria was significantly reduced by perfusing Astragalus extract. In conclusion, Astragalus extract had obvious antibacterial effects on S. aureus ,E. cali and Salmonella sp. in vitro and in vivo.
    Biofilm Detection and Drug Sensitivity Test of Mastitis-derived Staphylococcus aureus
    2014, 35(4):  3-3.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.003
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    Staphylococcus aureus is one of main pathogens that causes the mastitis of dairy cow. Because the mastitis of dairy cow had higher incidence and it was difficult to be cured, so it brought great economic loss for the milk industry and had greater threatens for the food safety. Taking the isolated strains of mastitis-derived S. aureus as the research objects, their morphology on Congo red medium was observed. The drug sensitivity of 5 isolated strains of mastitis-derived S. aureus to 19 kinds of antibiotics was analyzed by using diffusion method. The results showed that 5 strains of S. aureus all had the ability of forming the biofilm. They were totally tolerant to common antibiotics of penicillin, streptomycin, ampicillin and achromycin, and they were moderately sensitive to vancomycin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, amikacin and other antibiotics. The isolated strains were highly sensitive to 3 kinds of antibiotics (enrofloxacin, cefoxitin and cefotaxime). The research results indicated that mastitis-derived S. aureus had stronger drug tolerance, and the drug tolerance might be related with the forming of its biofilm.
    Study on the Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Bromate in Drinking Water
    2014, 35(4):  6-6.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.004
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    In order to study the effects of ultraviolet radiation on 2B-level carcinogen bromate in drinking water, the control effects of C-waveband on bromate were studied by using water simulated test. The results showed that the concentration of bromate gradually decreased when the dose of ultraviolet radiation. In the ultraviolet radiation test with the initial concentration of bromate of less than 400 μg/L, the removal rate of bromate was 40%-45%, which indicated that ultraviolet radiation was suitable for removing bromate from water.
    Comparison Test of Recombinant S-layer Fusion Protein of Lactobacillus spp.Purified by Two Different Methods
    2014, 35(4):  8-8.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.005
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    The recombinant E. coli BL21 (containing recombinant plasmid pGEX-SLP)was induced by IPTG to obtain recombinant fusion protein GST-SLP. This fusion protein was purified by non-specific lithium chloride precipitation and specific Pierce GST Spin Purification Kit purification method. The purified results were identified by SDS-PAGE. The results showed that the target fusion protein with the size of about 71 ku could be purified by using two methods, but the purification effect by lithium chloride precipitation method was less than that of Pierce GST Spin Purification Kit purification method. The study results provided references for further research on the biological characteristics of S-layer protein of Lactobacillus spp..
    Experimental Study on Afforestation Technique of Sabina przewalskii Kom
    2014, 35(4):  11-11.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.006
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    The contrast test on the effects of different soil preparation methods, seedling types and treatment measures of Sabina przewalskii Kom. was carried out. The results showed that afforestation with container seedling, taking ABT and water-retaining agents and using soil preparation method of horizontal ditch catchment, could significantly improve the survival rate, conservation rate and growth amount ofS. przewalskii Kom.. The afforestation effect was better.
    Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Fruit Quality of Red Globe Grape in Facility-delayed Cultivation
    2014, 35(4):  13-13.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.007
    Abstract ( 87 )   PDF (237KB) ( 53 )   Save
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    In order to improve the commodity of Red Globe grape in facility cultivation and obtain higher economic benefits, fruit ears of Red Globe grape in inflorescence separation stage, young fruit stage and fruit-swelling stage were soaked with 40 000 times diluent liquid of Qibao, 7 500 times diluent liquid of Baomeiling, 50 times diluent liquid of CPPU, the mixture of 40 000 times diluent liquid of Qibao and 7 500 times diluent liquid of Baomeiling, the mixture of 40 000 times diluent liquid of Qibao and 50 times diluent liquid of CPPU. The results showed that treatment with different medicaments had obvious effects on the extension and growth of fruit ears, grain expansion and fruit quality of Red Globe grape. And the mixture of 40 000 times diluent liquid of Qibao and 7 500 times diluent liquid of Baomeiling had the best extending effect on the fruit ears of Red Globe grape and the best effects of improving the fruit quality.
    Pharmacodynamic Study on New Chinese Veterinary Drug "Huangjinerbai Powder"
    2014, 35(4):  16-16.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.008
    Abstract ( 153 )   PDF (164KB) ( 26 )   Save
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    [ Objective ] The research aimed to study the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect of "Huangjinerbai Powder". [Method] The anti-inflammatory test and antibacterial test in vitro of "Huangjinerbai Powder" were carried out by using ear edema method of mice and disk diffusion method. [ Result ] The results of anti-inflammatory test showed that the average swelling degree of mice ear in low-dose group was (1.25±0.78) mg, and that in mediumdose group and high-dose group were (0.51 ± 0.38) and (0.42±0.35) mg. There was extremelt significant difference between test group 3 and control group. The results of antibacterial test in vitro showed that the bacteriostatic value of "Huangjinerbai Powder" on Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella castellani, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris were 21.7, 17.4, 14.6, 16.4 and 28.3 mm respectively. [Conclusion] "Huangjinerbai Powder" had some anti-inflammatory effects, and it was sensitive to S. aureus, S. castellani, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and P. vulgaris and other bacteria. "Huangjinerbai Powder" had a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity. Compared with gentamicin, "Huangjinerbai Powder" had better antibacterial effects.
    Effects of Fermented Grape Slag on the Production Performance of Broiler Chicken and Its Safety Evaluation Test
    2014, 35(4):  18-18.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.009
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    In order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of applying fermented grape slag in broiler chicken, 40 AA broiler chicken were selected and divided into two groups (20 broiler chicken in each group). The broiler chicken in test group were fed with the compound feed containing 10% fermented grape slag and the broiler chicken in control group were fed with the compound feed containing 5% cottonseed meal and 5% rapeseed meal. The test lasted for 42 days. The results showed that the daily weight gain in test group increased by 7.43% than that in control group (P〈0.05), the feed-gain ratio decreased by 4.19% than that in control group (P〈0.05) and the cull-and-death rate reached 0. The skin color, muscle pH, muscle flexibility, muscle smell, wet weight of organs, identification index of cooking broth and taste evaluation appeared normal. The haemoglobin content in test group was significantly lower than that in control group (P〈0.05), and other indices in test group had no significant difference with control group (P〉0.05). The contents of total bilirubin and ~/-glutamyl-transferase in test group were significantly lower than that in control group (P〈0.01), alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and uric acid in test group were significantly lower than that in control group (P〈0.05), other indices in test group had no significant difference with that in control group (P〉0.05). As for the muscle safety, harmful microbes and harmful parasites were not detected in each group, the amount of harmful trace elements detected was within and greatly lower than the national standard specified value. And the amount of harmful trace elements in test was lower than that in control group, which indicated that it was effective and safe to apply fermented grape slag in the feed of broiler chicken.
    Preliminary Research on the Quality Standards Chinese Herbal Medicine Feed Additive Compound Preparation "Lianteng"
    2014, 35(4):  23-23.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.011
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    The compound preparation "Lianteng" was composed of Chinese herbal medicine Forsythia suspensa Vahl and Caulis spatholobi so as to establish the quality standards of compound preparation "Lianteng". Phillyrin and formononetin in the Chinese medicine preparation were identified by using thin-layer chromatography. And its content was determined by using highperformance liquid chromatography. The chromatographic conditions were as follows: phenomenex luna C 18 (250 mm×4.60 mm, 5 μm)chromatographic column, column temperature of 25 ℃, eluting with methyl cyanide-0.3% phosphoric acid solution as mobile phase, flow rate of I mL/min, the detection wavelength of 254 nm and 277 nm. The results showed that phillyrin and formononetin were separated by using thin-layer chromatography with clear spots. There was a good linear relation of phillyrin at the sample amount of 25-100 μg (R2= 0.999 5 )and the average recovery was 96.40% (n=6). There was a good linear relation of formononetin at the sample amount of 12-120 μg (R2=0.999 8)and the average recovery was 95.13% (n=6).The methods of HPLC and TLC were rapid, acute and repeatable, which was suitable for the quality control of compound preparation "Lianteng".
    Advances of Research on Obese Gene in Animals
    2014, 35(4):  32-32.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.016
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    Obese gene could regulate the growth of animals and maintain the energy balance,which was realized by its product Leptin protein. Therefore, to control the expression level of Leptin in animals could effectively decrease the fat content and enhance the lean meat percentage, so as to bring great economic benefits for animal husbandry. The advances of research on obese gene were systemically reviewed.
    Current Situation of Quality Safety Supervision of Agricultural and Livestock Products in Ordos City of Inner Mongolia
    2014, 35(4):  45-45.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.023
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    Food safety is the most important problem that people concerned about in every-day life, which directly influences on people's health and life security. Starting from the importance of strengthening the quality safety of agricultural and livestock products ,the current situation of quality safety supervision of agricultural and livestock products in Ordos City of Inner Mongolia was analyzed. The current existing problems in the quality safety supervision of agricultural and livestock products in Ordos City were analyzed, so as to lay a good groundwork for developing the quality safety supervision of agricultural and livestock products better in the future.
    Primary Investigation on the Theory Teaching Reform of Animal Biochemistry in the Informatization Age
    2014, 35(4):  56-56.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.029
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    According to the reform practice of theory teaching of animal biochemistry of undergraduate students in the speclahty of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in Henan University of Science and Technology, the theory teaching reform of animal biochemistry was systemically summarized from the construction of curriculum system, the construction of teaching staff, the teaching content and the teaching methods and other aspects. Aiming at the teaching effect in recent years, the feedback information in the practice process was analyzed. The theory teaching of animal biochemistry was regulated and modified in time, some effects were obtained. Some measures taken in the practice were summarized.
    Thought and Reform on the Teaching Methods of Epizootiology under the New Situation
    2014, 35(4):  59-59.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.030
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    Epizootiology is one of main courses in animal medicine speciality in agricultural colleges. In order to meet the industry requirements and cultivate students with the ability of solving practical problems,the teaching effect of Epizootiology could be enhanced by discussing its teaching methods. The application of heuristic teaching, intuitional teaching, open laboratory teaching method and other teaching methods could enrich the teaching content. The multimedia, teaching video, answering email and other modem education technology could visualize the booklore, which was easy to be accepted by students. Young teachers should find out new teaching methods of Epizootiology and fully mobilize the learning interest and enthusiasm of students, so as to enhance the teaching level and quality.
    Reform and Practice of Experimental Teaching Content, Methods and Assessment Ways of Cell Biology Curriculum
    2014, 35(4):  61-61.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.031
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    Cell Biology curriculum is a highly-experimental subject. Its experimental curriculum is not only an important part, but it is also the basis of its development. It is of great significance for cultivating the practical ability and creative ability of students. Based on the teaching experience during many years, the experimental teaching of Cell Biology curriculum was reformed from the teaching contents, teaching methods and assessment methods and other aspects, so as to motivate the learning initiative and enthusiasm of students and cultivate the practical ability and creative ability of students further.
    Constructing the Practical Teaching Model of Livestock Anatomy Based on the Double Subject Principle of Teachers and Students
    2014, 35(4):  63-63.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.032
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    The livestock anatomy is the subject for studying the form, structure and function of life with strong practical and operational characteristics. It is difficult to pass on the complete knowledge of this course efficiently in the limited class and less teacher-student communion. Thus, the extracurricular activities of rabbit anatomy experiment were carried out in the interactive teaching of practice taches in Henan University of Science and Technology so as to taking student as the main body, enhancing teacher-student communication and improving the teaching effect. The interactive teaching in the curriculum teaching of Livestock Anatomy was discussed. The teaching was linked with the actual life of students, the students were attracted into the interesting teaching and the boring booklore was visualized. The mutual influence, mutual communication, mutual effect between teachers and students in this experiment promoted the teaching effect, which benefited teachers as well as students. The teaching effect was improved by strengthening the contact and interaction between teachers and students, promoting the interaction, enhancing interest of learning. The extracurricular activities could provide new perspective and direction for the teaching reform.
    Discussion on the Teaching Methods and Means of Cell Engineering Course
    2014, 35(4):  67-67.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.034
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    Cell engineering is a subject with stronger practicality and comprehensiveness. Its traditional teaching methods and means were unitary, which was unfavorable for developing the teaching level of teachers and cultivating the innovation ability of students. The teaching content was adjusted and renovated and the practice and experimental taehes were strengthened. The teachers' quality was optimized and the master consciousness of students was excitated by using modem teaching means, so as to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers and students. The importance of the teaching reform in the course teaching of Cell Engineering was discussed, so as to lay the foundation for perfecting this teaching reform further and provide references for the theory and practice teaching of Cell Engineering course in other universities.
    Discussion on the Application of "Problem-Solving" Teaching Methods in the Experimental Teaching of Instrumental Analysis
    2014, 35(4):  71-71.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.036
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    "Problem-solving" teaching method is a teaching approach by which attentions were paid to cultivate the ability of solving the practical problem. This method was applied in the experiment teaching practice of Instrumental Analysis. The experimental course of Instrumental Analysis was reformed and designed by determining the experimental items, preparation before class, making the assessment score table, so as to enhance the practical ability of students. The application situations of "problem-solving" teaching method in the experimental teaching of Instrumental Analysis were discussed.
    Analysis of Existing Problems in the Innovation Education of Graduate Students from the Perspective of Postgraduate's Thesis
    2014, 35(4):  74-74.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.037
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    The postgraduate's thesis is an important assessment standard of testing the academic level of postgraduate students, and it also is one of important means for testing the theoretical basis, professional knowledge and scientific and research ability of postgraduate students. The postgraduate' s thesis is an important composition of the postgraduate education. The thesis quality could reflect the creative ability of postgraduate students. The existing problems in the current teaching of postgraduate education were discussed. The influencing factors of the thesis's innovation were analyzed and some countermeasures were proposed. Some suggestions were given for the innovation education.
    Exploration on the Curriculum Construction of Pharmacology in Local Application-oriented Universities
    2014, 35(4):  78-78.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.039
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    Pharmacology is a discipline to study the interactions between drugs and pathogen, animals and their mechanism, which is a bridge between basic medicine and clinical medicine. Application-oriented university is a kind of university with application type as teaching orientation. The application-oriented undergraduate education could play a positively-promoting role for meeting the China's economic and social development and the high-level and application-oriented talents, and promoting the popularization process of higher education in China. Anhui Science and Technology University is the first application-oriented college in Anhui Province. According to the training project of application-oriented talents and the training targets of talents, the curriculum of Pharmacology was reconstructed so as to adapt the new training project of talents.
    Survey Report on the Situations of Dung Treatment in Cattle Farm in Shandong Province
    2014, 35(4):  80-80.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.040
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    The current situations of dung treatment in cattle farm in Shandong Province were introduced. The existing problems in the dung treatment in cattle industry were analyzed. And some suggestions were proposed for solving the dung treatment in cattle industry in Shandong Province.
    Laboratory Diagnosis and Analysis of Piglet Diarrhea Caused by Pseudorabies Virus
    2014, 35(4):  96-96.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.049
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    A case of piglet diarrhea caused by pseudorabies virus was diagnosed and analyzed in the laboratory. The results showed that a band with the size of 270 bp was shown in the detection sample of PRV. But the target DNA segment was not seen in the detection samples of PEDV, TGEV, CSFV, PRRSV and PCV-2, being negative. The detection results of bacterial pathogen showed that no bacterium was grown. The results of gE antibody detection of female swine herd showed that the results of PRV gE antibody in 33 serum samples were positive and the positive rate reached 91.7%.
    Diagnosis and Treatment of a Case of Canine Pyometra
    2014, 35(4):  100-100.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.051
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    A case of disease dog self-raised by pet interest group of College of Animal Science and Technology in Jiangxi Agricultural University was treated on February 5,2014. The dog is female and 6 years old. And its weight is 8 kg. Its clinical systems were as follows:loss of appetite and energy, vomiting,frequent micturition (occasionally discharging a few drops of red urine and a small amount of loose stool), shortness of breath and so on. According to the clinical symptoms and imaging analysis, it was diagnosed as pyometra. After operation treatment, the diseased dogs gradually recovered. The treatment process of this case was mainly introduced, so as to help for the clinical treatment of canine pyometra.
    Research Progress on the Therapy Methods of Endometritis in Dairy Cattle
    2014, 35(4):  112-112.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.059
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    Endometritis is one of common diseases of dairy cattle, which has brought great damages to the farming industry of dairy cattle. At present, the main therapy methods of endometritis in dairy cows includes antibiotics therapy, Chinese medicine therapy, integrated therapy of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, microbiology therapy, immunology therapy and hormone therapy. According to the latest research achievements in China, the treatment of endometritis in dairy cattle was reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of different therapy methods were compared, so as to provide references for looking for the optimum therapy method of this disease.
    Comparison of the Detection Methods of Immune Antibody of O-type Foot-and-mouth Disease of Pigs
    2014, 35(4):  117-117.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.061
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    The immune antibody of O-type foot-and-mouth disease in 60 serum samples were detected by using two test methods of O-type foot-and-mouth disease indirect hemagglutination antibody and O-type foot-and-mouth disease antibody liquid-phase blocking ELISA. The results showed that the qualification rate of 60 serum samples in O-type foot-and-mouth disease indirect hemagglutination assay was 93.3% and that in O-type foot-and-mouth disease antibody liquid-phase blocking ELISA was 73.3%. The qualification rate in O-type foot-and-mouth disease indirect hemagglutination assay was obviously higher than that in O-type foot-and-mouth disease antibody liquid-phase blocking ELISA (higher 20% ). The whole coincidence rate of two methods was 66.7%, that of less than 25(less than 26) was 28.6% and that of ≥25( ≥26)was 82.1%. The whole immune effects of two detection methods were both better, and the average qualification rate was greatly higher than the specified value (70%) of Ministry of Agriculture.
    Comparison Test on the Curative Effects of Asthma of Chalu Black Pig with Florfenicol and Other Drugs
    2014, 35(4):  119-119.  doi:10.12160/j.issn.1672-5190.2014.04.062
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    In order to study the cure effects of florfenicol on the asthma of Chalu Black Pig, lincomycin, terramycin, amikacin and florfenicol were selected to make the comparison test for curing the asthma of Chalu Black Pig. The results showed that the cure rate and effective rate of florfenicol on the asthma of Chalu Black Pig were both higher than that of other three kinds of drugs. Florfenicol was more suitable for the clinical treatment of the asthma of Chalu Black Pig.


(Published monthly,Science 1973)
Responsible Unit:Inner Mongolia Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Sponsor Unit:Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences
International standard serial number:ISSN 1672-5190
Domestic unified serial number:CN 15-1228/S
Domestic postal distributing code:16-101

